Archos launches this new cool 8″ 1024×768 Tablet on Rockchip RK3066, super slim and light design, for $199 without the $49 Keyboard Coverboard dock.
Category: Favorite companies
Best LeWeb keynotes: Ben Gomes, Google Vice President in charge of the future of Search
Ben Gomes talks about Google’s launch of the Knowledge Graph, implementing artificial intelligence, clever algorithms to analyse the worlds information to display facts on the right side of a growing number of search queries, including voice search used in Google Now.
$149/149€ Archos 80 Cobalt
Here’s Archos new cheaper 8″ Rockchip RK3066 1024×768 4:3 tablet with smooth Android 4.1 Jelly Bean, thus being released by Archos in January for $149/149€. Consider that european prices always include about 20% VAT taxes which are never included in US dollar prices thus $1 = 1€.
$299/299€ Arnova FamilyPad launched
Archos releases the worlds largest tablet at an affordable $299/299€ price. Right now available in Europe for 299€ with the Allwinner A10 processor and with a 1280×800 wide view capacitive screen.
Android 4.1 firmware on Archos 101 XS
Archos updates the firmware (in the next few days) on their latest high-end $299/299€ Archos 101 XS Tablet to 4.1 Jelly Bean, fully using hardware acceleration, integrating Google’s Project Butter, now with Google Now support, Archos also has upgraded some of the web-based meta-data functionalities in their Video Player application, it automatically detects videos that need meta data, posters and fan arts loaded in so that you can have a more interesting way to browse through your movies and tv shows library. This video also features the $49 Keyboard Coverboard Dock and the new $149/149€ dual-25W stereo Archos Speaker Dock.
12.85″ Pixel Qi Chrome OS Android 5.0 Laptop/Tablet Hybrid by Google for Q1 2013?

Chromebook on Android
Here are my expectations for Google’s rumored upcoming Chrome OS laptop/tablet hybrid:
– 12.85″ Pixel Qi LCD, Google sponsored, to be available to all other Android hardware makers as a new component. (Plastics based flexible unbreakable LCD for thinner lighter waterproof dustproof unbreakable build)
– Optical lamination allows for outdoor readable capacitive Pixel Qi LCD. Otherwise IR based Neonode touch can work.
– 20 million initial production batch, enough to make a significant mark on the market, next batch can be 100 million units.
– Android 5.0 to support Chrome OS on top of Android. Same for Ubuntu on top of Android. Multi-booting becomes standard feature of Android. It’s not really multi-booting, it’s enabling to run alternative Linux OSes on top of the base Linux OS of Android.
– $200, available worldwide on day 1. Second batch can be sold for $150 or $100. Schools can get rebates if they order one for every child. Google can subsidize a few of those millions to be used by Children in developing countries through the One Laptop Per Child project.
– 16GB Flash with SD slots and potentially a 2.5″ HDD slot.
– 25 hours battery life. 200 grams flat battery dock doubles battery life to 50 hours.
– Swivel screen. Super slim keyboard can hide behind screen for tablet mode.
– ARM Cortex-A15, either OMAP5 with SGX544 or Exynos5 with Mali-T604. Maybe another comparable ARM Processor.
– Modem slot, all types modems available as options, 3G+, LTE, White Spaces, easily user swapable. There is space for an internal usb modem too.
Let me know what you think of this rumored Google hybrid here or at my Google+ thread.
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Charles Dickens on E Ink vs Tablets for reading outdoors
Here is‘s official latest comedy video showing why we should all consider buying an eink e-reader, at least the crazy cheap $69 Kindle if you haven’t already and let’s get to some serious e-reading going on again if you aren’t already.
I’m looking forward to spend more time outdoors with devices with sunlight readable screens, reading more of the awesome ebooks that I haven’t read yet. I fill those up with the best of project for free, and still looking for Google to fix
By the way, I’m still very much looking forward to official Google Android support on E Ink, synchronize the Chrome browser on my Laptop, Tablet and Smartphone so that I can always continue reading articles, emails, blog posts, Google+ circles on the WiFi connected and automatically synchronized E Ink e-reader comfortably without a backlight.
Do you ever use your backlit smartphones, tablets or laptops to read your ebooks? I wouldn’t recommend it, even turning down the brightness of the backlight doesn’t come close to the experience of using a backlight-free, frontlit device for any serious reading indoors and outdoors.
Jon Masters of Red Hat talks about LEG Linaro Enterprise Group, porting Linux on the 64bit ARMv8
Red Hat is working on getting Fedora Linux up and running on ARMv8, Jon Masters talks about LEG Linaro Enterprise Group and getting the full Fedora Linux stack to work on 64bit ARMv8 server hardware from now and during next year as 64bit ARMv8 hardware becomes available. AMD, AppliedMicro, Calxeda, Canonical, Cavium, Facebook, HP, Marvell and Red Hat join existing Linaro members ARM, HiSilicon, Samsung and ST-Ericsson to form new group focused on accelerating Linux development for ARM servers.
Yves Behar at Gigaom Roadmap #roadmapconf
Yves Behar talks about wearable computing, the Ouya project on Kickstarter, the upcoming OLPC XO Tablet and more. Design has the power to educate, inform, change society and create new opportunities where none existed. And in an environment of connectivity, design has another aim: It wants to be free. Hear why from the designer that brought you the Jawbone headset, the open-source game console Ouya, and many other groundbreaking product designs.
You can also watch his discussion with Om Malik at Gigaom Roadmap here:
ARM CEO Warren East Keynote at ARM Techcon 2012 video – official high quality version
A couple of days ago, I posted my version of the keynote recorded from my seat in the audience, but now, ARM’s official YouTube channel has posted the official high quality version with direct audio and large slides:
my version is here:
In the future, when I record my own videos of keynotes, I should try to get a direct audio feed from the system, I need to buy some good wireless microphone setup and plug that into my camera. I’ve heard of Sennheiser and Sony making decent wireless microphone systems, let me know if you have any good suggestion for which wireless microphone system I should buy, perhaps one with lapel microphone so that I can also use it more often when I video-blog, to have some better audio quality at conferences than just using my Sennheiser MKE400 shotgun microphone.
I’m in the San Francisco area until November 8th, so let me know in the comments if you have any suggestions for tech companies that I should try to video-blog at in the Silicon Valley. Of course it’d be awesome to video-blog with Google engineers in Mountain View about Chrome OS on ARM and Android, but I don’t know how to contact someone there who can say it’s ok for them to invite me. I’ll video-blog at the GigaOm Roadmap conference on November 5th. I still have a few ARM Techcon videos to post, so check back. Some new devices, RK3066 HDMI Stick with BT and audio-out mini-jack and i.MX6 Quad-core HDMI Stick are going to be added to the Members Store also imminently, so also check back if you’re interested in that.
Gary Smith EDA’s impressions on ARM Techcon 2012
Industry Analyst Gary Smith of talks about what’s happening in the ARM industry, electronic design automation, ARM is defining the new heterogeneous architecture for the future using the ARM Connected Community. You can also watch my videos with Gary Smith from ARM Techcon 2011 and from ARM Techcon 2010.
ARM Versatile Express TC2, ARM Cortex-A15 with ARM Cortex-A7 in big.LITTLE configuration
Versatile Express is ARM’s development board using real prototype silicon for developers to be able to work on future upcoming ARM designs months in advance of their release. Here is the Versatile Express TC2 being used to demonstrate software solutions that use the big.LITTLE configuration with a dual-core ARM Cortex-A15 and a triple-core ARM Cortex-A7.
ARM Fast Models for ARMv8 ARM Cortex-A57
ARM provides simulation models a year or more before the first silicon can be made for upcoming ARM Processors, here demonstrating how developers can work today to prepare software for upcoming ARM Processors such as the ARM Cortex-A57 64bit ARMv8 processors that are to be manufactured next year.
ARM Keynote: ARM CEO Warren East and TSMC, Samsung and GlobalFoundries on Fabrication
Presentation Title: Low-Power Leadership for a Smarter Future
Abstract: Innovation throughout the ARM partnership has resulted in products which have shaped our lives, transforming the way we work, our recreation and how we interact with society.
The future shows little sign of this rate of embedded innovation slowing. Faced with the massive growth in global energy consumption, expected to grow by about 70% in the next 25 years, consumers and commerce alike are looking to the electronics industry for solutions to help save energy and cost. This demand is creating opportunities for ‘smart energy’ innovation throughout the ARM partnership in three key areas: the smart grid, smart meters and, lastly, the connected appliances and systems (including sensors) – that are so important for the Internet of Things. The ability for these appliances to communicate through distributed sensor and control nodes will enable efficient performance, management and maintenance of a wide array of wirelessly connected devices, providing consumers and commerce with greater control over their lives and their energy consumption.
This keynote will track the growth of the ARM ecosystem and examine how, together, the partnership can continue to address the energy efficiency challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.Speaker Bio: Warren East joined ARM in 1994 to set up ARM’s consulting business. He was Vice President, Business Operations from February 1998. In October 2000, he was appointed to the Board as Chief Operating Officer and in October 2001 was appointed Chief Executive Officer. Before joining ARM, he was with Texas Instruments. He is a chartered engineer, Fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technology, Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering and a Companion of the Chartered Management Institute. He has an honorary doctorate from Cranfield University and is a member of the UK Trade and Investment Executive Board for Technology, responsible for driving the UK’s trade and investment objectives in the telecoms and IT sectors. He is a non-executive director and Chairman of the Audit Committee of De La Rue plc.
Followed by the Executive Roundtable Panel (ARM, GLOBALFOUNDRIES, Samsung, TSMC)
Angry Birds Bluetooth catapult with ARM Cortex-M3 and sensors
ARM has created this real life catapult to remotely control a game of Angry Birds using Bluetooth and an ARM Cortex-M3 board with sensors.
ARM 16/14nm FinFET Manufacturing Leadership
John Heinlein, Vice President of Marketing, Physical IP Division at ARM talks about the 14nm FinFET ARM Processor manufacturing technology that is being developed and that is starting to be manufactured next year.
OLPC XO-4 Touch to be Marvell Armada PXA2128 Powered
The One Laptop Per Child project is going to release the Marvell Armada PXA2128 ARM Powered Laptop in Q1 2013, thus with Marvell’s new tri-core processor and touch screen support.
ARM Keynote: ARM Cortex-A53 and ARM Cortex-A57 64bit ARMv8 processors launched
Full 1 hour 9 minutes video of the ARM Cortex-A53 and ARM Cortex-A57 launch keynote here at the ARM Techcon in Santa Clara.
ARM Cortex-A53 and ARM Cortex-A57 64bit ARMv8 processors launched here at ARM Techcon
Check back for my full video recording of this mornings ARM keynote filmed here at ARM Techcon 2012 in Santa Clara. Let me know what kinds of questions you would like me to ask them on video.
XBMC, RF remote, display settings on the Hiapad Hi-802 i.MX6 Quad HDMI Stick
A Quad-core ARM Cortex-A9 in an HDMI stick like the Hi-802 is high performance stuff! The trick is to try to demonstrate how to get use of that extra power. Here we try to show off some XBMC (even though it seems or we guess video codecs in xbmc aren’t hardware accelerated on i.MX6 yet), we show the cool Mele RF remote (that can be bought as an option eventually), we show some of the advanced display settings and more. This device is to be available for $89 including worldwide Hong Kong Air Post (5-10 day) shipping on the Members Store when this device becomes available by the end of the month.