You can watch these 49 minutes of me being interviewed by Paul Terry Walhus in a Hangout On Air for his new blog that’s going to be at (not yet launched) where I talk about what I think the Google Chromecast is, which ARM Powered hardware I expect it to have (I thought maybe Rockchip but it’s Marvell), how it may be unlocked for a Chromebox mode (Micro-USB Host to Hub/Ethernet/RF), how this Chrome OS device may support the Chrome browser, Android apps and Games natively instead of only being used for streaming video and audio and more.
Category: Google
Watch me talk about the $35 Google Chromecast HDMI Stick Chromestick on a Hangout for
Google launches $35 ARM Powered Chromecast Chrome OS on a Stick to stream media to HDTV
I guess Google reads my Google+ feed.. on April 16th I suggested:
$50 Chrome stick would be nice. ARM Cortex-A15 on a HDMI stick running Chrome OS. I’m just saying.
Not sure if the $35 Chromecast Google HDMI Stick has an ARM Cortex-A15 processor in it though, what is the ARM Processor inside of the new Google Chromestick? Is Google using the Quad-core ARM Cortex-A9 Rockchip RK3188? Tegra4? Something from Qualcomm?
Which ARM Processor is being used? Can it run a full Chrome OS On ARM also? USB Host (to Ethernet/RF/Hub) supported?
Can the Chromecast Chromestick run a full Chrome OS included for free? Why didn’t Google explain how to “unlock” the Chromestick to display a full ARM Powered Chrome OS on the TV?
I look forward to Chrome OS on ARM Powered HDMI Sticks, let it not just revolutionize Video-on-demand, let the $35 Google stick also be the x86 Wintel desktop killer.
1. My guess is Chromecast has MHL support, can otherwise get charge from MicroUSB, I wonder if a MicroUSB hub can allow for Ethernet connectivity on Chromecast.
2. I wonder how video games and apps are going to run natively on the Chromecast.
3. Does it support Bluetooth 4.0, RF and USB Host for wireless keyboards and mice to use the Chromecast as a Chrome OS desktop without a remote device?
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Motorola X8 ARM SoC released, modified MSM8960 Pro with Adreno 320 with new always-on sensors
Google Motorola with Qualcomm designs modified Qualcomm Snapdragon ARM SoC based on the dual-core 1.7 GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon MSM8960 Pro with quad-core Adreno 320 GPU. Google says they add “natural language” and “contextual computing” cores hinting at dedicated processes for the OK Google Now touchless control features, to me feel like Sensor Fusion type of support within new upcoming smart devices. This means extreme low power sensors that can monitor things all the time, or which can for example “start listening” as long as the phone is touched at some point in the specific amount of time before you do the touchless voice commands. These types of sensor fusion features may bring very impressive new features to smartphones, the phone may learn always more about where it is in the world, where it is around you, about exact touching and other things. Think about sensors that detect taps without needing to even turn on the screen, meaning you could interact while keeping it in your pocket. Sensor fusion processing is so low power, as far as I remember hearing from Freescale, the battery in a phone can run that sensor for something like a year, or several months, where it can constantly monitor all movements of the device, triggering other areas on the SoC to be activated when specific movements are detected. Consider this may replace the need for a power button to be touched each time you power on the screen of your phone. Consider unlocking mechanisms and a whole new range of gestures and behaviors to interact with your phone. Your phone may even detect all types of touches not only on the screen but also on the back and around your phone, perhaps even touches on the table next to your phone. The GPS may be further optimized and super accurate and fast for all types of positioning features, including expanded Google Now functionality, without turning the phone on, from within your pocket, your phone may start saying something like “Hey Roger, you should check out the restaurant to your right, and I think you must be hungry” because your phone can know that you haven’t eaten yet and it knows what types of restaurants you like and it can constantly monitor your positioning to provide smart automatic notifications based on the types of augmented information you would like.
I don’t know if Google Motorola with Qualcomm is integrating those new sensors on the die of that Snapdragon/Adreno or if those new type of sensors are outside of the die on the SoC somehow. Does anyone here have any info about how Google Motorola and Qualcomm are doing it? And how are the other ARM SOC vendors going to start shipping all those new Sensor Fusion and advanced Sensor features into devices?
Google Motorola is shipping this new Motorola X8 ARM Processor in their new range of Droid phones (selling exclusively on Verizon in the USA) and it’s probably also in the Moto X phone to be launched next week in New York (I wish Goog was inviting me to any of their events).
Are you looking forward to Moto X?
I think that Moto X needs to be $199 unlocked out of contract, released for pre-paid carriers around the world, even shipping with dual-sim card support. If Google can source enough X8 ARM Processors with Qualcomm, enough screens from whoever provides Motorola with screens and if Google can have suppliers manufacture and assemble those fast enough (including those that are rumored to be assembled in the USA, I guess to supply the US market only), if Google wants to sell Moto X all over the developing world, Google can rapidly expand Motorola’s market share in smartphone sales worldwide. I can’t wait to hear more about the features of the Moto X, how Google integrates those new sensors in Android, how those Sensors expand on the features of ARM Powered devices and to hear more about the range of hardware that Google and Motorola are planning to release. Android merging with Chrome OS and Google TV is just going to be a small part of our future.
3 years ago, I first video-blogged about Freescale’s Contextual Sensor Fusion technology talking about Freescale’s Xtrinsic Sensor technology being launched at the Freescale Technology Forum in June 2010, that may be similar to the technologies now to be included in Motorola’s new range of devices including in the Moto X, this is what I wrote in the description of this video here on this blog in June 2010:
Imagine not needing a power button to turn on your phone, just pick it up. Imagine cheaper warranty as manufacturers will know when devices were damaged because of usage error such as fall or banging. Imagine new user interfaces that are much more relying on sensors as the new Freescale Xtrinsic sensors can measure stuff 2000 times per second (the bandwidth and architecture being better). Imagine also sensors combining their abilities through fusion, again, no need to wake up the main ARM processor of the device to do all kinds of things! Imagine the device knowing exactly how it is touched, how it is moved, how it is held, the touch is not anymore only on the screen! This means better battery usage, months maybe even years of seamless standby. The new Xtrinsic sensor only needs 12 micro amps of power to be turned on all the time!
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My Google I/O 2013 expectations
I haven’t been able to buy a Google I/O ticket (servers crashed) and it doesn’t look like Google wants to invite me with a press badge (thus far), but here are my Google I/O May 15-17th 2013 expectations. I’ve not always been exact in my Google I/O predictions, see 2011 and 2012. Here’s what I’d announce at this point if I was running Google:
1. Google Smartwatch. (approx same “Wearable UI” as Google Glass) $199 BT 4.0.
2. Exynos5410/Tegra4/S800 Chromebooks launched. (prob 13.3″ $299, preferably with Pixel Qi 20-hour battery life).
3. Android 5 unveiled. intro “Full Chrome” on Android, Android Extension for Chrome OS too (that’s what I call “the merger”). Android 4.3 may get released at I/O with Android 5 release for months later.
4. Andy Rubin announced chief of new Google Internet of Things and Google Robots department (this is the new Google X project)
5. Google TV now part of Android 5. all HDMI/MHL turns any Android device to full Google TV UI, even HDMI throughput and IR blaster can be supported on most phones/tablets with adapter.
6. Google Gaming now serious. launches $99 Google Home Entertainment Console. It’s ARM Cortex-A15 with Mali-T678 GPU. Most Android games now mapped for TV controller game play. Exynos5410/Tegra4/S800 too.
7. Google Glass public release in 3 months for $499. $299 version by end of the year. Early Glass Explorers get choice of $1000 credit in Google Play Store or they get 2 extra Google Glass to give to friends/family.
8. Moto X Phones launched. $99/$199/$299 (540p-dual/720p-quad/1080p-octo) (maybe T4i/S600/T4) with no contract on T-Mobile in USA. unlocked worldwide. Waterproof, unbreakable, sunlight readable Pixel Qi LCD ultra long battery life.
9. Google Book launched. $99 WiFi e-reader with Google Books, Android E Ink front-lit based.
10. Google Play Subscriptions launched. $20/month for unlimited text/audio/video/apps (authors/devs can opt-out, users can pick any category separately at $5/month each, worldwide day-1). Overnight Google Play becomes by far biggest content platform worldwide.
11. Google+ 2.0. Now + gives personalized recommendations across web.
What am I forgetting? php/mysql wordpress/phpbb free hosting on Google App Engine? New YouTube monetization? White Space Global Google Voice (with launch of White Space modem in Moto X Phone)? The Cheaper $99 Nexus 7 Lite (RK3188 based)? Upgraded Google Arduino platform on ARM Cortex-M3? Google ARM Servers announcement for cheaper/better/cleaner cloud?
You can comment here or in my Google+ thread.
YouTube feature requests (so they can monetize more)
YouTube is the worlds coolest website in my opinion. World’s biggest in bandwidth usage. Super awesome/impressive. Thanks Google for the bandwidth and for the video storage! Here are 11 of my ideas (that I’ve been posting for years) for how YouTube can make 10x more money per view for themselves and for people like me who upload the videos, which I think would be good:
1. Let every YouTube Partner get donations like non-profits do. Integrate Kickstarter like functionality in YouTube channel “fund this video project, here are details what we would like to film” and show if goal is reached, donators can advertise their website/company if they want next to donations value.
2. Display Google Shopping Buy Now links under video and at end of video when the video is about a product that is for sale online, thus enable 4% commission built-in (quadruples revenue overnight I’d guess) Partner can opt-out or manage each video by evt selecting specific product from Google Shopping to list if that is not clear enough for Google based on title, description, search etc. Let Partner evt pick favorite web stores to list in priority, for example Amazon, Adorama, Newegg, and BHphoto for US viewers, and others can be selected for other regions of the world.
3. Let viewers pay some monthly price perhaps $5/month or $10/month for an unlimited ads-free YouTube experience, simply remove advertising and set 1080p as default but only for the people who pay for YouTube. (doubles revenue overnight I’d guess), can also include netflix/hulu/amazon prime style contents, but unlocks ads on all YouTube Partner content by default. Partner can opt-out if they prefer. YouTube subscribers can evt get prioritized bandwidth in certain situations. Maybe there is a high-end 1080p encode, or premium 4K stream bandwidth when available.
4. YouTube should offer automatic “upload all my videos to YouKu” for Chinese audiences, until China finally at some point allows their people access to YouTube. Which may happen at any moment, but for now, please just let us easily clone everything to Youku. And a wordpress plugin to auto display the youku instead of youtube when website visitors are in China would be good. If you do this, maybe you’ll accelerate the Chinese Government un-blocking youtube simply because they’d be impressed you’d offer that kind of service. If not a service by Youtube, please link us to third parties who can hook up and automatically do this kind of thing.
5. Enable p2p video subtitling and subtitle translations. YouTube Partners can decide how much of a share of revenue to evt pay to volunteers who spend time improving the automatic subtitles and automatic translations of those subtitles. Thus when “manual subtitles” are available for video, that can be highlighted and displayed instead of the automatic one. And each can be improved collaboratively, subtitlers/translators get paid based on how many people view their work and evt how good it’s rated, let people rate those subtitles and translations of subtitles. The link to subtitle and to translate subtitles should be visible by everyone “improve subtitles” and “improve translated subtitle”, people can set which languages they understand in YouTube viewer settings to automatically display correct subtitles and buttons to “improve french subtitles here” or to hide that button if people are not interested to participate. All videos with for example over 100 thousand views may thus get better manual subtitles in many languages submitted by viewing public.
6. Offer p2p video titling/describing service. People can volunteer to watch yet unlisted videos as soon as a YouTube channel uploads them, and people can collaboratively submit manual titles/descriptions/tags for each video, which the YouTube upload can approve to be used to make the video public.
7. Auto-post YouTube uploads to WordPress blog, including management of WordPress categories when the YouTube video is being uploaded and eventual other default texts or code to add before or after video. Same for scheduled publishing.
8. Explain what time of day is best to publish video to get optimal view count based on channel statistics, suggest YouTube uploader schedule publishing to those times.
9. Improve YouTube Editor it needs to be near as good as Pinnacle/Sony Vegas/Avid/Final Cut etc. Let us edit with voice-overs, music, more stable frame precision, better flexibility/stability.
10. Offer p2p video-editing. People can spend time to offer suggested shorter edits of each video as alternative shorter versions of the video. Thus people watching who don’t have time, can switch to shorter user-submitted and upload-approved shorter version of video when that one is available. Allow also p2p video-editing to combine evt several videos into one, can be limited from playlist if YouTube upload decides to, or can be channel-wide. Also the edits must be approved by uploader before those can be listed somewhere in a “user submitted edits” section on the channel. YouTube uploader can decide how much to share evt revenue from edits with the editor.
11. Massively improve content recommendations algorithm. Let me enter a gree/red full screen mode. It must show me content YouTube knows I will like, let me Thumbs up each video with the space bar and let me evt skip video with right button. Thus remote control can be built with a big green thumbs up button and a red skip button (evt a red skip and dislike rating button also). People must be able to lie back in sofa and start some impressively awesome automatic playback of YouTube’s personalized recommendations of content. Each view must be absolutely awesome. Viewer must be able to type in area of interest, search query or pick from previous areas of interest that YouTube can detect, for example now I’m in the mood for tech videos, and at another point I’m in the mood for comedy videos, with evt tags like Android within technology and tags like Louis CK within comedy. For example. Build recommendations engine on YouTube that can reliably replace TV. When people watch YouTube in family or with friends, everyone has to be constantly impressed by each video shown. A mic in room can eventually record laughs as indicator to how good the content is and to attempt at continuing to show such cool content. Recommendations engine can automatically pick user submitted shorter edits instead of the full videos if it’s measured that the certain shorter edits are better than some of the original longer videos.
You can comment here on in my Google+ thread.
Google Project Glass is seeking glass explorers
You can apply to buy a $1500 Google Glass (US residents only, attend a special pick-up experience, in person, in New York, San Francisco or Los Angeles) at
Using Google+ or Twitter, tell us what you would do if you had Glass, starting with the hashtag #ifihadglass.
Your application must be 50 words or less
You must include #ifihadglass in your application
You can include up to 5 photos with your application
You can include a short video (15 secs max)
Be sure to follow us on Google+ (+ProjectGlass) or Twitter (@projectglass) so that we can contact you directly
You must be at least 18 years old and live in the U.S. to apply
For more details, please see our full Terms and FAQ
Chromebook Pixel leaked
Is this the Pixel Qi Google Chromebook for long battery life and outdoor usability? 12.85″ 2560×1700 resolution touch screen? ARM Cortex-A15 preferably big.LITTLE, is this a Texas Instruments OMAP5 powered or does Samsung provide Google with an Octa Exynos5 for Chromebook already?
What do you think the price is going to be? My guess is $100 for non-touch non-Retina version and $200 for touch Retina version. The goal to basically make the ARM Powered Chrome OS the number 1 OS for laptops/desktops worldwide.
What Google’s Motorola R&D may be working on…
The Wall Street Journal has an article out talking about the Google X Phone project and its technical challenges. I think that Google Motorola has a lot of work to do. Here are some of the projects that I expect Google to be investing in at Motorola to move Android forward in terms of R&D hardware spending, how Google may be trying to control and influence worldwide components supply for the next months and years of mobile devices development:
1. Dominate worldwide sub-$100 phone market. Target the sub-$200 Android phone market too. Target all world countries, not just rich countries. This is how Motorola “easily” can get to scale and thus get to control smartphones components supply.
2. Design devices that merge Android with Chrome OS and Google TV. That means re-engineer and re-think Motorola’s Laptop Dock, Desktop Dock, Entertainment Dock, when you dock Android 5 thus switches to Chrome OS or Google TV depending on what you want on the external display.
3. Design flexible phones using rubber-like and leather-like materials. As soon as flexible screen suppliers are ready (not just Samsung’s flexible AMOLED), have designs ready to use the new form factors.
4. E Ink phones, be it like the Motorola Fone released in 2006 with an E Ink display, the new E Ink phones use Android. Can be E Ink only Android phones and Android phones where just the backside is an E Ink display.
5. Integrate DLP pico projector technologies in new phone concepts that project something like a 20″ touch-screen display onto any table. Thus design kick-stands, mirrors, lenses that facilitate that.
6. Google Glass, headmounted computing is going to be the new normal next year. Optimize the Motorola headmounted computer to fit every usage, design it so everyone wants to use them.
7. Wearable computing. Android Bluetooth wrist watches, Bluetooth headsets that merge into clothing for voice calls. Make every user feel like they are James Bond.
8. Mass market White Spaces modems and routers, small and low power enough to be included in every new Android smartphone and tablet. Cheap enough so that every ADSL/Cable/Fiber connection install a White Spaces router to quickly cover the whole world with free wireless broadband for everyone.
9. Mass producing Pixel Qi LCD based smartphones, tablets and laptops, for sunlight readablility and to extend battery life significantly.
10. New $100 ARM Powered Tablets for productivity. New $100 ARM Powered Laptops for productivity. Google and Motorola can take over some of the role of the One Laptop Per Child. These new devices are for the worlds children to use to make the world a better place.
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Google Wildfire social media marketing at LeWeb 2012
Google acquired Wildfire a few months ago. Wildfire is one of the leaders in social media marketing for all the worlds big and small brands. 30 of the world’s top-50 brands use wildfire for their social media marketing campaigns. For example when Coca-cola does something on Facebook, there is a good chance that they are using Wildfire’s software and solutions.
Best LeWeb keynotes: Ben Gomes, Google Vice President in charge of the future of Search
Ben Gomes talks about Google’s launch of the Knowledge Graph, implementing artificial intelligence, clever algorithms to analyse the worlds information to display facts on the right side of a growing number of search queries, including voice search used in Google Now.
12.85″ Pixel Qi Chrome OS Android 5.0 Laptop/Tablet Hybrid by Google for Q1 2013?

Chromebook on Android
Here are my expectations for Google’s rumored upcoming Chrome OS laptop/tablet hybrid:
– 12.85″ Pixel Qi LCD, Google sponsored, to be available to all other Android hardware makers as a new component. (Plastics based flexible unbreakable LCD for thinner lighter waterproof dustproof unbreakable build)
– Optical lamination allows for outdoor readable capacitive Pixel Qi LCD. Otherwise IR based Neonode touch can work.
– 20 million initial production batch, enough to make a significant mark on the market, next batch can be 100 million units.
– Android 5.0 to support Chrome OS on top of Android. Same for Ubuntu on top of Android. Multi-booting becomes standard feature of Android. It’s not really multi-booting, it’s enabling to run alternative Linux OSes on top of the base Linux OS of Android.
– $200, available worldwide on day 1. Second batch can be sold for $150 or $100. Schools can get rebates if they order one for every child. Google can subsidize a few of those millions to be used by Children in developing countries through the One Laptop Per Child project.
– 16GB Flash with SD slots and potentially a 2.5″ HDD slot.
– 25 hours battery life. 200 grams flat battery dock doubles battery life to 50 hours.
– Swivel screen. Super slim keyboard can hide behind screen for tablet mode.
– ARM Cortex-A15, either OMAP5 with SGX544 or Exynos5 with Mali-T604. Maybe another comparable ARM Processor.
– Modem slot, all types modems available as options, 3G+, LTE, White Spaces, easily user swapable. There is space for an internal usb modem too.
Let me know what you think of this rumored Google hybrid here or at my Google+ thread.
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Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! ARM Powered Chromebook launched by Google with Samsung Exynos 5 ARM Cortex-A15 on board, $249!!!
The day has come. The ARM Powered laptop revolution is here. Chrome OS on ARM, not just any ARM, the fastest ever ARM Cortex-A15 from Samsung, Exynos5250, 2GB RAM, 16GB Flash storage. This announcement is of course pure awesomeness. So, I guess, Google wanted to wait for ARM Cortex-A15 for what they may think to be satisfactory ARM Powered web browser OS performance. Consider this has to support all plugins, native code, OpenGL web, extensions, advanced AJAX-heavy Javascript web apps, caching of web apps for full offline sync and web acceleration on slow connections, tons of simultaneous opened tabs for everyone to feel fully comfortable! Videos coming:
Google Official:
Sundar Pichai at unveil event by ubergizmo (until Google posts the full official event video):
I’ll add more videos of it here as bloggers post them!
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My Google I/O (June 27-29th) predictions
1. Nexus Tablet, 7″ preferably with Pixel Qi LCD to merge Tablets with E-readers. Keyboard dock for Chrome productivity.
2. Android Jelly Bean launched, feature major new features and integrates Linaro code talked about in my video Linaro improvements to Android 4.0.4 performance on the Pandaboard TI OMAP4430 platform for speed optimizations. Most important feature I think is the merger of Smartphone, Tablet, Google TV Set-top-box, E-reader, Chromebook with final fully optimized Chrome on Android on ARM, full Desktop/Laptop level Chrome on ARM Android browsing.
3. Google upgrades Cloud Computing platform to support and host php/mysql web apps such as wordpress, phpbb, mediawiki, Google hosts it for free with unlimited bandwidth when AdSense is used on every page.
4. Google Entertainment System (GES) is launched. It’s a layer to turn all Android HDMI/MHL devices and Set-top-boxes into full home console gaming machines that can rival Nintendo/Sony/Microsoft as home consoles. Consider Google to launch the Google Entertainment System for $49 with HDMI out only and up to $99 with a full Google TV HDMI input/output and IR blaster functionality. It’s ARM Powered, it’s powerful enough to replace your Desktop computer outputting a full Chrome browser on your HDTV/Monitor and using Bluetooth or RF keyboard/mice. It includes the new RF signal to manage Android@Home, thus turning your home into an intelligent connected platform. Consider it a sort of Nexus device to show how Google TV should be done, to show home Android@Home should be done, to show how Android can be used to challenge home consoles, to show how ARM Powered Chromeboxes should be done and to show how the Google Android Hub system for WiFi, White Spaces should be done.
5. Google+ launches major Recommendation/Personalization functionality. Consider the web will no longer be the same. You’ll have a totally new experience of web content through a new version of Google+ that is able to provide automatic streams for you based on the items you +1. Finally, the + in Google+ is going to be making full sense. Finally the +1 button is going to be used and everyone will instantly understand the meaning of using the +1 button, it is to teach Google what you like and have Google show you better content automatically. It’ll be absolutely revolutionary. A totally new way to surface quality on the web. You don’t need a lot of followers, you don’t need to be famous, you don’t need to be viral, soon after you post quality/original content on the web it can automatically reach the deserved audience. Who circles who will make less and less sense. HD Google+ Hangouts (up to 1080p high bitrates) are added as an enterprise on-demand perhaps paid feature.
6. Google may open up Android development process after Jelly Bean. Consider it Google opening up nightly Android advancements to the rest of the world and taking in more upstream suggestions for Android improvements from the open source community in General. As part of Google’s anti-fragmentation effort, Google can announce real-time collaboration in the development of future versions of Android, so new versions of Android reach more devices sooner using over-the-air upgrade systems worldwide. Expect Google to announce Android’s total daily activations number to be well above 1.5 million if all Android devices are included in the count, meaning not limiting the count to Google Certified devices, but also include all Chinese devices sold not only in China, also sold in India, Brazil and worldwide. Google can announce that Android tablets daily activations also have overtaken the iPad since December 2011, again if all Android tablets are included in the count, also including the millions of non-certified Chinese Android tablets such as the $55 Android ICS tablets featured in my video: $55 AllWinner Boxchip A13 Tablet Factory Tour
7. Google Project Glass to be released before the end of the year. It’s not just the Google reference hardware, it’s more importantly about a software layer on top of Android optimized for Augmented Reality usages to be used hands-free using any heads-up microdisplay including the Kopin Golden-i that I filmed and that I have been using since October last year: Motorola Kopin Golden-i at CES 2012 I think it’s just a layer of new APIs for Android apps to function well in a hands-free headmounted mode, using Google Voice Actions for voice-commands, using the accelerometer, compass, and all other usual sensors and thus simply providing an optimized Android Home Replacement and APIs for that. The first Google Glass compatible devices can be released from $199 to $499 before the end of this year.
8. Google’s Self-driving car system should be targeted as sub-$2000 add-on that can be added to any car. Just add some sensors and cameras to the roof of your car, and insert some electronics to the driving system of your car, and it should be turned into a Google Self-driving car. Google can announce partnerships with several major car makers to include the self-driving car functionality as a sub-$2000 option to several car models, to be shipping before the end of the year.
9. $199 ARM Powered Chromebooks launched. imagine it as nice as an Ultrabook, but for $199, running a full speed Chrome OS on one of the latest ARM processors, for example TI OMAP4470, Tegra3, Exynos4412, HiSilicon K3V2, Qualcomm S4, and more. 20-hour battery life. 100% security using ARM TrustZone. Speed is way faster than Intel Atom Chromebooks, browsing speed is comparable to any $1000 Ultrabook.
What else are you expecting from Google at I/O this year?
You can discuss this thread on Google+:
Pixel Qi announces 2048×1536 better-than-iPad3 screen, with 100x lower power consumption
Pixel Qi is finalizing the deals with partners about sizes and quantities to produce their next generation ultra high pixel density Pixel Qi screens, with a new very low power mode that runs at a full 100X power reduction from the peak power consumed by the iPad3 screen. Pixel Qi claims to have a new architecture that matches the resolution of the ipad3 screen, and its full image quality including matching or exceeding contrast, color saturation, the viewing angle and so forth with massive power savings. Here is Pixel Qi’s power consumption versus the iPad2 and iPad3:
My opinion and suggestion for Google:
I’d like to see Google invest heavily in Pixel Qi for a 7″ 1024×600 screen to be mass produced for the rumored upcoming Nexus Tablet, providing it 20 hours battery life on an ultra slim form factor, with a very small bezel if they can make it have a plastics based screen, suitable for reading Google Books, suitable for outdoor use. Google should invest the money needed in bringing Pixel Qi to the mass consumer market. And then also Google can help bring the 2048×1536 9.7″ Pixel Qi screen to the mass Android tablet market.
The success of the iPhone and iPad is due to ARM Technology, but also to the investments Apple has made in using new screen technologies, Apple basically financed exclusivity for the 3.5″ capacitive screen when launching the iPhone and they bought an exclusive on the 9.7″ IPS screen for the iPad. Now also Apple invested the $2+ Billion getting an exclusive on the 9.7″ Retina screen. Google should do the same, not only invest heavily to optimize Android on all the ARM Processors, Google should also invest the money needed in new screen technologies such as Pixel Qi LCD and use that for their “Google Hardware” Nexus devices but then also instantly allow access to the new screen technologies to every other Android hardware maker.
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- Next generation Pixel Qi screen said to have Retina display-like resolution, significant power savings (
- Pixel Qi promises tablet displays that meet iPad 3 quality – and draw much less power (
- Pixel Qi Says Next-Gen Displays Meet or Beat iPad 3 Screen Quality (

Eric Schmidt at Mobile World Congress 2012
I didn’t actually interview him. But here’s the official 1-hour keynote video. I think Eric Schmidt takes the role of kind of being the President of the Internet. He talks for connecting the next 5 billion people to the Internet through $20 ARM Powered devices as soon as possible. He talks about lowering the price of Internet access in developing countries. He talks about the amazing time in technology that is now.
Google Booth at MWC 2012, Archos, Tablets and Phones on Display
Here are some of the phones and tablets rotating at the back of the Google Booth at Mobile World Congress 2012, between the free smoothies and the slide.
Google Entertainment System (GES)
Can be as cheap as $49 or $99, run a full ARM Powered Google TV with advanced 3D video-gaming. For example using Mali-T604 graphics, the graphics are comparable to an xbox360. It basically plays all Android games on the TV. Use a Bluetooth or RF Keyboard/mouse and you’ve got a full Chrome Desktop on your HDTV. It also includes the Android@Home RF protocol for connecting all your home appliances to the web. USB host for hard drives, becomes a WiFi hotspot, may also dock a White Spaces modem/router later so you share your unused home bandwidth to your whole neighborhood. Google can brand as much hardware they want, and I think they should, they just also make that hardware and software open source and let any other hardware makers sell it also.
You can discuss this and share it on Google+:
Source: my logic/speculation and the Wall Street Journal
Chrome for Android now released
This confirms my expectation for Ice Cream Sandwich, that Chrome OS and Google TV are being merged with Android. I’ve been talking about it since my October 5th ICS predictions and way before in May 2011, January 2011 and February 2010.
A full Chrome Browser in Android can be the key to see the huge market for ARM Powered Laptops explode.
Look forward to having a full ChromeOS-like Laptop experience on your ARM Powered Android Tablet as soon as you plug a Keyboard dock to it. Look forward to having a full Chromebox-like experience when you connect the HDMI output of your Smartphone to a PC monitor or HDTV and use a Bluetooth or USB Host Keyboard and mouse.
The main question is now to test the performance of the full Chrome browser on Android, I’d like to see its performance on the Galaxy Nexus that has the high memory bandwidth OMAP4460 1.2Ghz and 1.5Ghz processor. I’d like to see its performance on OMAP4470 1.8Ghz, and Tegra3 1.3Ghz. I think the Chrome browser performance on those Android devices can now be faster than on a Netbook.
Mary Lou Jepsen presents at Google X event: Reading images from your brain’s visual memory
At the new Google X event project,, Pixel Qi CEO and founder Mary Lou Jepsen presents the idea of recording images from the human brains memory. With a bit of investment in the right technologies to record higher resolution signals from human brains, it can soon be possible to record images from human memory. As far as I understand the presentation, you can soon wear some special glasses that have small sensors on your retina, or some sensors on your head, then just think of some images and those can get recorded with high detail and precision. Seeing an image and thinking about that image is the same thing, our brains record every image that we see for ever with great detail and it is soon be possible to read from our brains visual memory.