The 7X30 is Qualcomm’s next generation Snapdragon processor to come in some of the next generation of Qualcomm powered Smart Phones later this year. This is what the Nexus Two or HTC HD3 may look like. This video features demonstrations of the improved video playback, built-in HDMI output, improved 3D acceleration and even more advanced animated and 3D Android user interfaces.
Category: Qualcomm Dell Mini 5 demonstration
This is Dell’s 4.8″ capacitative Android Tablet with built-in 3G. From the video, it sounds like this Dell Android tablet might be much more expensive than the Archos 5 Internet Tablet with Android which is available since October 2009 for $249 in Radio Shack. No confirmation in this video about video codecs, bitrates playback, though it is said it will have HDMI output through a dock. Thus from this video, we can’t know if full DivX video playback, full MKV H264 high profile video playback is supported at high bitrates through that HDMI output and on the LCD. No information if it will come in several different capacities as Archos comes from 8GB to 500GB using a 2.5″ hard drive.
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HP Compaq Airlife 100 Android Laptop at Mobile World Congress 2010
This HP Android laptop is still one of the best of its kind that I have seen so far in consumer electronics shows.
Qualcomm Android Tablet Prototype
Thunder Soft has customized a version of Android for this Qualcomm Snapdragon based Tablet prototype.
Qualcomm’s next Snapdragon generations
- Image via Wikipedia
In an interview at, Luis Pineda, SVP of product management for Qualcomm CDMA Technologies talks about the next generation of Qualcomm Snapdragon processors:
– Qualcomm 8X50A is 1.3ghz 45nm processor is being offered to manufacturers starting this month. Should arrive in products before the end of the year.
– Qualcomm 8X72 is a dual-core 1.5ghz processor will be released before the end of the year with products featuring it to come later. Could the 8X72 be Qualcomm’s first ARM Cortex A9 based processor?
We are already seeing the ARM Cortex A8 based 1ghz Qualcomm Snapdragon doing very impressive things in the HP Compaq Airlife 100, the Lenovo Skylight, LG Expo with add-on projector, Lenovo LePhone, Lenovo Ideapad U1, the Quanta Smartbook, the Google Nexus One phone and many more such really smooth and powerful devices. It will be interesting to see Qualcomm’s next generation ARM processors that use 45nm process instead of 65nm and that use the ARM Cortex A9 architechture for even more powerful products that consume even less power.
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HP Compaq Airlife 100 hit the FCC
Wow, so HP is likely going to be pushing the awesome looking Qualcomm Snapdragon powered Android laptop on 3G networks! See my previously posted video of it:
See more videos of this product from CES:‘s video:‘s video:‘s video:
HP’s official CES video:
Andy Clipsham, Product Manager on the HP Android Smartbook, unveils it at the Qualcomm keynote at CES 2010:
Lenovo Skylight at CES 2010
An ultra slim awesome looking ARM Powered laptop shown by Lenovo at the CES 2010. It is ultra slim and light, they are currently running a version of Linux customized by Thundersoft to provide basic applications.
LG Expo with add-on projector
LG Expo with add-on projector is using an 1ghz Qualcomm Snapdragon runs Windows Mobile 6.5.
Lenovo LePhone (Chinese market Android customizations)
It has about the same features as the Nexus One, a 3.7″ AMOLED capacitative touch screen, a 1ghz Qualcomm Snapdragon processor. But this one runs a customized Android user interface for the Chinese market instead of running the full Google Experience. It should be sold at below $300 unlocked in China when it is released.
Motorola Backflip at CES 2010
A new design for an Android phone by Motorola where the screen flips on the back of the keyboard.
Lenovo Ideapad U1 Tablet/Laptop hybrid
Lenovo is presenting a hybrid ARM Powered Tablet mode that docks into an Intel Core Duo bottom to become the Laptop form factor.
Quanta ARM Powered laptop design at CES 2010
Here’s one thin really nice looking Android laptop design by Quanta, one of the largest laptop manufacturers in the world.
HP Android Qualcomm Snapdragon Laptop
This may be one of the best implementations of Android on an ARM Powered Laptop so far, HP is showing off their masterful customized Android user interface for the ARM Qualcomm Snapdragon based laptop form factor. It has great automatic standby and resume, connected standby, and a range of customized high resolution Android applications, widgets a touch screen and even hardware Search, Home/Menu/Back buttons on the super well made design.
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I am video-blogging using an ARM Powered laptop!
This is a worlds first, so does the Lenovo staff tell me. I can insert my SD card from my Sanyo HD1000 into the SD card reader of the Lenovo Skylight Smartbook, and right from within their Firefox based web browser, log-in to Youtube, click upload, select the file from the SD card and simply click to upload it! I actually uploaded this 1280×720 9mbit/s 25MB video clip using their built-in AT&T 3G connection, it took about a couple of minutes to upload over 3G. The same can of course be done faster over WiFi. With more tests to come up, I will try to figure out if the Youtube video-blogging using this ARM Powered laptop can be done just as fast as using an Intel powered laptop. And the ability to constantly upload videos from the bag over 3G and automatic WiFi roaming could be really interesting. The built-in USB host could also host future wireless dongles such as WiMax, White Spaces, LTE or some wireless broadband technologies to make it even faster to upload HD videos using it.
Another really cool thing is that the H264 baseline 9mbit/s 1280×720 Sanyo HD1000 video files playback nearly flawlessly on this ARM Powered laptop using its media player application.
Google Nexus One at CES 2010
Here it is! The first ARM Powered hardware sold by Google directly at
It’s $529 unlocked for now. Please comment here if you think that I should buy one or wait for those Android phones to be available for less than $200 unlocked as I speculated that the price could have been for this device.
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Lenovo Skylight at CES 2010
Here is Lenovo’s first ARM Powered laptop, it looks really awesome, I will film more of its Interface, software and features during the next few days. So check back! If you have some specific features you would like me to test on this ARM Powered laptop, please post in the forum comments thread for this video.
Lenovo’s official marketing video:
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