Samsung releases this new medium range Samsung Galaxy W, it has a 3.7″ WVGA LCD, an unknown 1.4Ghz processor (please write in the comments if you know which processor this has), it runs Gingerbread for now.
Samsung Galaxy Xcover
Here’s an even cheaper smartphone from Samsung, it has a 3.65″ HVGA capacitive touch screen, runs a 800Mhz processor (Qualcomm MSM7227?) (if you know which processor this is, please post in the comments).
Samsung Galaxy M Pro
Here’s a new Blackberry-style Android smartphone from Samsung with a 2.7″ HVGA capacitive LCD screen and a full qwerty keyboard.
Epson EH-TW480, 599€ 720p projector
This is Epson’s latest 720p Home Cinema Projector.
Epson EB-W02, 499€ WXGA projector
This is Epson’s new WXGA projector to be released for 499€.
Epson TW-6000W, Epson MG-850HD, Epson TW-9000, Epson TW-9000W
3D 1080p Home Projectors, with and without some wireless feature.
Archos G9 Tablets official $ USD pricing confirmed
Archos is releasing the G9 tablets worldwide in the coming weeks, scheduled for global release by the end of September. Here are the official $ USD prices:
Archos 80 G9:
8GB 1Ghz: $299
16GB 1.5Ghz: $329
250GB 1.5Ghz: $369
Archos 101 G9:
8GB 1Ghz: $369
16GB 1.5Ghz: $399
250GB 1.5Ghz: $469
For the confirmation if 8GB 1Ghz versions have 512MB RAM and 16GB and 250GB 1.5Ghz versions have 1GB RAM, you have to wait another few days or weeks for Archos to give us an official confirmation on the RAM capacity. As far as I understand, they may still be testing out the different types of RAM and capacities based on the latest Honeycomb 3.2 software most optimized for the high memory bandwidth of the OMAP4460 processor, to determine which type and capacity of RAM to use. Though these 1.5Ghz tablets are probably right now coming out of those factories so Archos should be able to confirm this at any moment now. Let’s try again tomorrow and the day after, when the engineers are not on their week-end break and can give us an answer.
JVC GC-PX10 Falconbrid 1080/50p 36mbitps camera
JVC releases this new Falconbrid powered interesting new camera design, it can shoot 50 frames per second at 8.3 megapixels for 130 frames, or 50fps progressive 1080p at 24mbitps and 36mbitps, there is also a 720p at 50 frames per second mode. This camera is going to be released later this month in Europe for 799€.
You can download some samples recorded with this camera in the links below (consider that the camera hardware and software used to shoot these samples may not be completely finalized although they are planning to release this camera later this month):
Download Samples on Google Docs (includes the 1080p 50fps at 24mbitps and 36mbitps, the 720p 50fps, a full quality picture and a 130 frames 8.3 megapixel fast picture taking series)
Panasonic Z10000 at IFA 2011 (with samples)
Panasonic releases this new semi-professional camcorder in November for around 3500€. It has this 3D lense and records at 1080p at up to 50 frames per second and with a 50mbitps bitrate. You can download some samples recorded with this camcorder here:
1080p 50fps 3D: On YouTube, Download the Sample On Google Docs
1080p 50fps 2D: On YouTube, Download the Sample On Google Docs
1080p 25fps 2D: On YouTube, Download the Sample On Google Docs
Panasonic HX-WA10 and Panasonic HX-DC10
Panasonic bought Sanyo about a year ago, while it takes them several months to get all things coordinated within this acquisition, here are the first couple of Sanyo-style camcorders released by Panasonic in the HX-DC10 and the waterproof version in HX-WA10. Hopefully very soon Panasonic will also release the successor to the Sanyo HD2000 form factor with better quality, optics, low light, microphone options, perhaps even some built-in YouTube upload feature. $65 1Ghz Single-core HiSilicon ARM Cortex-A9 Android set-top-box
Here’s the first time that I see an Android set-top-box with the new HiSilicon ARM Cortex-A9 Single-core processor made by Huawei. This seems to be a pretty smooth Android set-top-box implementation for the price, though obviously, just as for all other Android set-top-boxes, this will only really be useful once the Google TV software is finally open sourced for ARM Powered devices, which is expected to happen next month when Ice Cream Sandwich is released and open sourced. It’s very interesting to see this new HiSilicon ARM Cortex-A9 processor from Huawei.
LG Super LED E2391VR, thin new LED technology at IFA 2011
LG is showcasing their new Super LED computer monitors, showing off the thin form factor of their E2391VR, showing the IPS v6 wide viewing angles, the extra good color reproduction, the upscaling processor that is built-in and the new lower power consumption of their new LED.
Acer confirms at IFA: No ARM Laptops before Windows 8
I got it confirmed by a high-ranked product strategy manager (on Ultrabooks) at Acer that Acer will likely not release an ARM Powered Laptop before Windows 8 is ready. That probably means, he says, not before the beginning of next year. He says though that he does not know about Acer making ARM Chromebooks or not. I have to emphasise that this guy is in charge of the strategies around Acer’s new Ultrabook, so he might not know everything that is being worked on in his 7757-employee, $20-Billion-revenues-per-year company.
Sorry about my article posted on July 23rd, quoting yet another turns-out-to-be-a-false-rumor Digitimes article where the Acer CEO was reportedly saying that Acer’s ARM laptop was imminent.
Another perhaps interesting aspect of Acer’s business to consider is that while Acer complains of lowering profit margins and lowering consumer spending on Intel Powered Laptops and Desktops (in exchange for more spending on ARM Powered Smartphones and Tablets), companies like Lenovo and Dell seem to be suggesting in other speeches that they are doing ok. I do not know if Lenovo’s numbers about them being the fastest growing PC maker has something to do with them having recently acquired NEC and Medion, it surely is interesting to follow the profit margin and growth-disruption that ARM devices are doing to the PC business.
The imminent $199 ARM Powered Chromebook is the single most disruptive threat to Intel, Microsoft, Apple and the PC/Mac profit margins business.
My take on Samsung at IFA, awesome but perhaps misplaced
Probably the highlight of this IFA show for me has thus far been the unveiling of the awesome Samsung Galaxy Note (2), Samsung Galaxy S2 LTE and Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7 for reasons of the pure awesomeness to see the new high resolution Super AMOLED screens in action (4.5″, 5.3″ and 7.7″) and to get a feeling of the upcoming probable Nexus Prime hardware experience.
There is some talk on blogs about Samsung removing the Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7 from the showfloor today on and this has now become the conspiracy theory here in Berlin around the IFA show.
I do not believe for one second that Apple has any authority over Samsung at IFA, regardless of the bogus lawsuits going on in bogus court rooms in Dusseldorf, Netherlands and Australia. Samsung is paying the IFA consumer electronics show millions of euros for their hall, over many years, Apple never spent one single cent at IFA or at any other trade shows worldwide for that matter. Apple thinks they are too cool to compete in trade shows, Apple does not want people to think of them as a mere competitor in a market.
Here’s what I think Samsung might be thinking right now, and what I have been saying from the first second I saw their latest devices:
1. Samsung is now the worlds leading Smart Phone manufacturer, in front of Apple.
2. Just like Apple, Samsung makes much higher profit margins on the smartphones than on the tablets.
3. Even with the new Super AMOLED factory now in function in South Korea, Samsung can simply not output enough Super AMOLED screens of all the different sizes and types before this Christmas sales.
4. The 7.7″ Super AMOLED screen is awesome and all, but Samsung cannot justify the extra cost of manufacturing 7.7″ Super AMOLED vs continuing to use LCD on Tablet sizes.
5. Samsung needs to make about 50 million Smartphone sized Super AMOLED Plus screens during these next few months, there is no space in their factory to also make 7.7″ such screens, and it basically costs 3x to 4x more to make a 7.7″ Super AMOLED screen compared to a 4.5″ size, cause you can fit upwards 3x to 4x more smartphone sized screens on their manufacturing process.
6. Super AMOLED screens are beautiful to look at, bravo. But the LCD manufacturing process is operating at about 40x larger scale worldwide. Also, advances in LCD screens cannot really justify the cost difference in manufacturing those expensive Super AMOLED screens.
7. The reason Samsung can make Super AMOLED screens today even though I would guess the Super AMOLED Plus screen costs 2x more than the highest-end LCD, is that Samsung is still making $250 profit or more per smartphone when they sell them upwards $500 through carriers and unlocked.
8. My main complaint on the Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7 form factor is that it is too wide to fit normal jacket pockets, I cannot fit it inside of my jacket pocket. That means that it makes it much less likely people will carry it around everywhere, but that it would have to mostly stay at home. While being shown at IFA, the device did have a sticker saying something like “this may not be the final design”, maybe Samsung has figured out from mine and others comments at the show, that if they really want to release a 7.7″ tablet, they may have to consider trying to cut more of the bezel off of the device.
Here are some pictures comparing the my Archos 70 Internet Tablet that I have used every day for the past 11 months because I can carry it everywhere in my jacket pocket vs the Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7″ shown at IFA that simply does not fit in jacket pockets so has to stay at home:
While the Samsung Galaxy Note also is fantasticly awesome, my suggestion to technology fans is not to expect that Samsung can manufacture enough of those 5.3″ HD Super AMOLED screens before the end of this year. Also, Samsung may be realizing that it may be very hard to sell the feature of using a stylus on top of a capacitive screen, it may be too hard for them to lower the lag time and increase the accuracy enough to make it usable. In which situations does mass market consumers really want to use a stylus often? I can think of situations such as collaborating in real-time on annotating text, but I don’t think a light emitting Super AMOLED screen is the right type of screen for that usage.
So where does Samsung go from here? My guess is that they will focus as much of the Super AMOLED factory as they can on making 4.3″ and 4.5″ screens for the upcoming Nexus Prime = Samsung Galaxy S2 = Samsung Galaxy S2 LTE = Verizon Droid Prime, etc. This is where they are getting the most profit. And while the Samsung Galaxy Note might come out, and can definitely sell plenty more than Dell Stream 5 did a year ago, I think Samsung is probably going to use LCD for the Tablets that they’ll release before the end of this year. My guess is Samsung may release updates for their 7″ and 10.1″ tablets before the end of this year, and those will likely use LCD and not Super AMOLED.
In the medium term, I guess that AMOLED may be phased out again, but it already cannot be considered a failure in any way, it has provided Samsung with a unique differentiator in their market share gaining activities in the most important smartphone market. By the time AMOLED factories may be closed in 2-3 years, the quality of LCD at that time will have increased so much, with technologies such as Pixel Qi, IPS and FFS, that it will not make sense to make any AMOLED anymore. Most importantly, the profit margins on smartphones will quickly be reduced as the smartphone becomes a commodity, the profit margins will not anymore allow for the price difference that there is between LCD and AMOLED.
RFTech $89 Telechips capacitive Android Tablet
RFTech presents $89 Telechips ARM11 tablet and the $111 Telechips ARM Cortex-A8 tablet. You can find more information at
Yifang Smart Pen for iPad
You clip a thing on the iPad connector and with that special Pen from Yifang, you can scrible and write text memos in the special iPad app that they provide.
PocketBook A10 Android Tablet
PocketBook launches their new PocketBook A10 Android Tablet. It has a 10.1″ capacitive touch screen and uses the Texas Instruments OMAP3621 1Ghz ARM Cortex-A8 processor with 512MB RAM.
PocketBook at IFA 2011 Press Conference
This is the full PocketBook press conference (partly in English and partly in German) at IFA 2011, where they launch the new PocketBook A10 Android Tablet.
Sony PRS-T1 Reader Wi-Fi, 6″ e-reader with infrared multi-touch
Sony is launching their new generation of Eink e-readers with this Sony Reader Wi-Fi, it supports dual touch using infrared technology. The Wi-Fi can be used for stuff like web browsing, Google searching, Wikipedia searching for words highlighted in any book and for downloading e-books from the web or even viewing e-books within the web browser.
Sony Tablet S and Sony Tablet P at IFA 2011
Sony is bringing some interesting design concepts to the Tablet market, with the Sony Tablet S that has a bump on the back to be more holdable with one hand, the Sony Tablet P that has a dual 5.5″ screen, prices start at 479€ and go up to 599€ for these tablets that use Tegra2 at 1Ghz, they have no HDMI output or USB host.