Android 4.4 Linaro on Galaxy Nexus

Posted by – November 5, 2013

Bernhard Rosenkränzer, Linaro Android Builds and Baselines Engineer, presents Android 4.4 running on the Galaxy Nexus from his house in the mountains of Switzerland. Once the code is made available at, this will be a chance for people who can’t get the Nexus 5 to try out Android 4.4.

Previous Android 4.4 at Linaro videos:
Android 4.4 KitKat release impressions at Linaro Connect 2013
Linaro developer talks Android 4.4 in front of the KitKat statue at Android Google Headquarters in Mountain View California
Android 4.4 KitKat release first impressions by Bernhard Rosenkränzer (Linaro Android developer)

ARM CEO Simon Segars at ARM Techcon 2013

Posted by – November 3, 2013

ARM CEO talks about some of the things he does as CEO of ARM, spending a lot of time talking to people about what they are doing, and then going back to the office to make sure ARM is doing the right thing to support it all. The ARM ecosystem is growing. The breadth of end markets ARM is being designed into is increasing. After powering virtually every mobile device on the planet, ARM is getting into Servers and also looking into the Internet of Things, which is a very different computing problem. It’s still about getting the right amount of compute power, making it as low power as possible, as small and as low cost as possible.

Understand ARM big.LITTLE with Brian Jeff, Product Manager, Roadmap

Posted by – November 3, 2013

Watch this overview of latest the ARM Technology with Brian Jeff, Product Manager at ARM. He talks about big.LITTLE, ARM Cortex-A series, 64bit, latest Mali Graphics implementations and more. Nearly a dozen designs are about to go through with big.LITTLE, it’s ready on production chips, shipping in devices on the market, and the new version of the software will make it into devices next year.

Rick Merritt, Silicon Valley Bureau Chief EETimes

Posted by – November 3, 2013

Rick Merritt provides an overview of the ARM Techcon 2013, talking about some of the latest stories published in EETimes, talking about some of his stories written from the ARM Techcon, talking about some of the highlights at ARM Techcon and in General Technology.

Calypto high-level synthesis, RTL power optimization and functional verification

Posted by – November 3, 2013

Calypto Design Systems family of products enables ASIC, SOC and FPGA designers to quickly create fully-verified, power-optimized RTL for downstream synthesis and physical design. With Calypto’s Catapult High-Level Synthesis products, designers have the option of using SystemC or C++ to dramatically shorten the design cycle by producing correct-by-construction, error-free, PPA optimized RTL. Calypto’s PowerPro product line enables users to analyze both static and dynamic power usage at RTL and either automatically or manually create a power optimized RTL that includes memory and leakage power optimization. The SLEC family of products formally verifies the complete RTL without the need for time consuming simulation and complex testbenches. The end result is dramatic reduction in time to market with up to 60% reduction in power usage.

Contact Calypto:
Mathilde Karsenti
Marketing Programs Manager | Calypto Design Systems
1731 Technology Drive, Suite 340, San Jose, CA 95110
c: 503.970.7410

Stuart Clubb
US FAE Manager | Calypto Design Systems
8005 SW Boeckman Rd, Wilsonville, OR 97070
w: 503.685.1859 | f: 503.685.7832 | c: 503.701.6915 |

Rob Eccles
Field Applications Engineer| Calypto Design Systems
1731 Technology Drive, Suite 340, San Jose, CA 95110
w: 408.477.8170

ARM shows the Internet of Things and MBED at ARM Techcon 2013

Posted by – November 3, 2013

The mbed development platform is the fastest way to create Internet of Things devices based on ARM microcontrollers. Anyone with an idea, can rapidly prototype devices using it, connect the idea to the cloud, form a proof of concept that can get the idea funded, demonstrate to the boss that the idea can fly.

Linaro developer talks Android 4.4 in front of the KitKat statue at Android Google Headquarters in Mountain View California

Posted by – November 2, 2013

Linaro Android developer Bernhard Rosenkränzer talks about KitKat, talks about the Linaro Connect and talks about the plans for Linaro on Android in the future.

Android 4.4 KitKat release impressions at Linaro Connect 2013

Posted by – November 1, 2013

After the first night of hacking the source code, the Linaro Android Team featuring Khasim Syed Mohammed and Bernhard Rosenkränzer talk about ART replacing Dalvik VM, better memory management, support for new sensors, Browser being replaced with Chromium, WiFi Printing support, NFC smartcard emulation and more!

Android 4.4 KitKat release first impressions by Bernhard Rosenkränzer (Linaro Android developer)

Posted by – November 1, 2013

First impressions by Bernhard Rosenkränzer (Linaro Android developer) on Android 4.4 KitKat release. Includes talk on ART replacing DALVIK, Improvement on OpenCL support and more..

Intel to make ARM Processors, firstly 64bit 14nm ARM Cortex-A53 ARMv8 for Altera

Posted by – October 31, 2013

Nathan Brookwood is an Analyst and Research Fellow at Insight 64, he is the source for the Forbes article The new Intel CEO has changed Intel’s policy, now deciding that it’s actually OK to manufacture ARM Processors in their Fab. Possibly now Intel is also going to make ARM Processors for Apple, Qualcomm, Nvidia, AMD or someone else, possibly also even for themselves, possibly releasing a whole range of Intel ARM Processors to launch if Intel cares to have some reach into Smartphones, Tablets, ARM Laptops, Smart TVs, ARM Desktops, ARM Servers, I think Intel doesn’t need to not contribute to each of those ARM categories themselves too and by fabricating for Chip Makers, it depends what the new Intel CEO finds to be the thing to do for them.

ARM CEO Simon Segars Keynote at ARM Techcon 2013

Posted by – October 31, 2013

ARM’s new CEO, Simon Segars speaks about his vision for transformative technology in the Internet-of-Things (IoT), data center and mobile.

Gary Atkinson, ARM Director Emerging Technologies

Posted by – October 30, 2013

Gary Atkinson talks about future technologies for ARM, around the embedded space, radio technology and all other new R&D, new ideas, Weightless White Space radio standard and more.

HP ARM Server Keynote Address from Martin Fink, CTO and Director, HP Labs at ARM Techcon 2013

Posted by – October 30, 2013

The New Style of IT

It’s an exciting time to be in technology. The IT industry is at a major inflection point driven by four generation-defining trends: the cloud, social, Big Data, and mobile. These trends are forever changing how consumers and businesses communicate, collaborate, and access information. And to accommodate these changes, enterprises, governments and fast growing companies desperately need a “New Style of IT.” Shaping the future of IT starts with a radically different approach to how we think about compute – for example, in servers, HP has a game-changing new category that requires 80% less space, uses 89% less energy, costs 77% less – and is 97% less complex. There’s never been a better time to be part of the ecosystem and usher in the next-generation of innovation.

Read more:

Forbes: Intel to make ARM 64bit Processors in their Fab!

Posted by – October 30, 2013
Category: FPGA, Intel, ARM TechCon

You can read the news right here.

Intel confirms that they are ready to manufacture ARM Processors in their Fab. I’ve been suggesting this for years, now it seems to be true!

At the ARM developers’ conference today, Intel partner Altera announced that the world’s largest semiconductor company will fabricate its ARM’s 64-bit chips starting next year.

Of course!

Intel is to provide what the market wants, if people want ARM Processors, why should Intel not fabricate them in their Fabs?

Altera Corporation today announced that its Stratix 10 SoC devices, manufactured on Intel’s 14 nm Tri-Gate process, will incorporate a high-performance, quad-core 64-bit ARM Cortex™-A53 processor system, complementing the device’s floating-point digital signal processing (DSP) blocks and high-performance FPGA fabric.

Press release:

Why wouldn’t Intel try to compete with Samsung, TSMC, Global Foundries to make the ARM Processor designs that the market wants!

Altera and Intel are pleased with the early results of the relationship between the companies and this announcement from Altera is consistent with the agreement we announced earlier this year. We have said that we will be open to manufacturing competitive architectures and would evaluate them on a case by case basis,

said Intel spokesman Chuck Mulloy.

Also, I believe Intel is probably working on their own ARM Processors designs, why not ARM Intel for Laptops, for Tablets, for Smartphones, for Smart TVs, for the Internet of Things. I believe that Intel’s new CEO was put into place to lead this new strategy at Intel, to make the processors that the market demands for.

Who knows, maybe Intel is able to make some of the best ARM Processors on the market, who knows, maybe Apple wants to make their next ARMv8 64bit Processor in an Intel Fab! Maybe Nvidia, Qualcomm would be happy to have some of their next ARM designs manufactured in Intel’s Fab!


My latest Smartphone collection on Android Central Live @ Samsung Developers conference 2013

Posted by – October 29, 2013

Check me on the Android Central show showing off my samples of some of the latest cheapest Android phones out of China. My range of latest phones include MediaTek MT6572 Dual-core ARM Cortex-A7 (512MB RAM) phones at $55 4″ (2G iPhone 5S style), $58 4″ 3G, $65 (3G SGS4-Mini style), $72 (3G SGS4 style), Spreadtrum 2G based at $36 4″ (2G Nokia windows phone style), $43 5.3″ (2G Note3 style), my Onyx E43 E Ink Android phone and Onyx Freescale iMX6 Solo Lite Android 4.0 E Ink E-reader.

Anyone else in the Silicon Valley would like to check out these devices? Let me know! I’ll be video-blogging at the ARM Techcon and Linaro Connect at the Santa Clara Convention Center during these next 4 days, then to spend another 6 days in San Francisco. I would like to visit the Twit Cottage next Sunday and I hope someone at Google invites me to their Mountain View headquarters!

This video was published at:

HP Chromebook 11 unboxing and first boot

Posted by – October 29, 2013

I decided to buy a $279 ($303 with taxes) HP Chromebook 11 with the Exynos5250 Dual-core ARM Cortex-A15 with Mali-T604 inside, even though it would have been nice if it already would have been shipping with the newer Exynos5420 Octa Core ARM Cortex-A15/A7 with Mali-T628. I guess that Samsung doesn’t yet provide their latest big.LITTLE yet for third parties to ship in devices? As soon as a good cheap 13.3″ Exynos5420 Chromebook is available I’ll probably switch to that latest ARM Chromebook as my main video-blogging laptop.

Video-blogging in the San Francisco area this week

Posted by – October 28, 2013
Category: Exclusive videos

I’m video-blogging at the ARM Techcon (October 29-31st), Linaro Connect (October 28th to November 1st), Samsung Developer Conference (October 27th), maybe also at Gigaom Roadmap 5-6th.

Let me know to my email if you know of any good ideas for places I should video-blog at while I am here in the Silicon Valley Bay Area.

Powertech Smart Multi Plug Adapter, Motion Detector, Light Meter and more

Posted by – October 28, 2013

Power Tech can provide Plug & Play Controls, Power Safety and Power Usage information Applications for Android or iOS system.

Power Tech make Power Plugs that have an LED light that warns you when you are over-using the power capacity of the Plug to prevent future damages to the environment.

They make Smart Multi Plug Adapter with a transmission module. Each Plug can be controlled from your Android or iOS device. These Plugs have an option that can be turned on or off when the person is near the central Plug in the room.

Motion Detector, Usb charging adapter and Light Meter are other products that get made from Power Tech.

Power Tech Company is based in Taiwan.

Filmed at the HKTDC Hong Kong Electronics Fair (Autumn Edition) 2013

Alldocube 9.7″ HD IPS Display Tablet for 125$ and 7.85″ 1024×768 IPS Tablet with 3G for 125$

Alldocube makes Android Smartphones and Tablets.

9.7″ HD IPS Display Tablet with 1Gb RAM and with 16Gb NAND Flash memory costs at around 125$ for MOQ of 1000 pieces.

7.85″ 1024×768 IPS Tablet  Quad core MTK8389 with built-in 3G is sold also for around 125$.

Contact Alldocube (serious distributors only please):
Shenzhen Alldocube Technology and Science Co. LTD
Address: 2F, Building 17, Pinshang Industrial PArk Liuxian Boulevard, Xili, Nanshan Dist, Shenzhen, China
Tel: +86 755 33022880
Fax: +86 755 21534551

Bens cPot, automatic Android Powered cooker system

Posted by – October 25, 2013

Bens makes an Android based product called the cPot it is an electronic cooker that has a touchscreen and can be controlled remotely with a Android or iOs device. The device does much of the work of cooking for you. Bens makes fully automatic and semi automatic versions of the cPot. The cPot unfortunately can’t cook as good as your mother can. The price for the fully automatic version is 999 USD and 699 USD for semi automatic. Bens also makes a variety of other kitchen appliances for homes and restaurants. Bens has been making cooking devices for 16 years.

Contact Bens (serious distributors only please):
Ben Zhang of Bens, research and development
Phone Number: +86 75526993929
Mobile Phone: +86 13509633818

Filmed at the HKTDC Hong Kong Electronics Fair (Autumn Edition) 2013