$69 Gole2 on Indiegogo, Intel Z8350 Windows10 or Allwinner A64 Phoenix OS

Posted by – October 8, 2016

Introducing Gole2 on Indiegogo at http://igg.me/at/gole2 starts at $69 (early bird for the Allwinner A64 ARM Powered version), here I show off both the Intel Cherrytrail Z8350 Windows 10 based Gole2 and the Allwinner A64 Quad-core ARM Cortex-A53 Phoenix OS Android based Gole2. It comes with 1xUSB3, 2xUSB2, HDMI, Ethernet, Mini-Jack, MicroSD and more.

Gole’s official website: http://gole.tech

Bluetooth SIG’s partner products

Posted by – October 4, 2016

Bluetooth SIG (Special Interest Group) have their own booth where they display products of their partner companies. Here we see the Meccano, a DIY kit robot controlled via Bluetooth off a device, BT beacons that are small in size with a battery life of a year (with a refresh every 3 seconds), and Texas Instruments’ 52 series board that allows one to run two protocols at once, amongst other things.

Murata fitness tracker band/smartwatch

Posted by – October 4, 2016

MuRata has designed their own wearable solution specifically for fitness tracking. The smartwatch-like platform connects to a host device via Bluetooth which then pulls the data from the wearable while also providing a real-time readout of the sensor’s current readings. The wearable can track heart rate, skin temperature, and blood pressure. It also has NFC, and can charge wirelessly from a dock.MuRata provides various component and sensor required for designing this type of smart wearable.

Murata BCG Sensor to read body stats from a distance

Posted by – October 4, 2016

Murata’s BCG sensor does not even need to be attached to the body in order to read its condition. It connects to the leg of an armchair or the bottom of the bed. Using a Texas Instruments microprocessor, the sensor connects over WiFi and provides readouts. The company here shows their prototype module for which a WiFi module has not yet been developed, as mentioned.

Epson EH-LS10000 laser assisted 3LCD 4K projector

Posted by – October 4, 2016

Epson uses a projector that employs a laser light as one of the sources along with the usual light rays that pass through RGB colours. This is claimed to add vivid colour to the resulting picture and an unmatched contrast ratio amongst projectors. It is also expected to last extremely long, coming in rated for 30,000 hrs out of the box. Projection at 4K resolution is also one of the highlights.

Creww Online startup community with 1800+ startups

Posted by – October 4, 2016

Creww is a platform that aims to connect startups with enterprises and with each other. The company also allows crowdfunding platforms to approach them in order to run campaigns for their startups. As an example, Toyota is shown to have approached Creww with the offer of providing customer data, test vehicles and even investment in order to make their project work. The company is currently based in Tokyo and expanding to different parts of Asia.

GaraponTV 4 HD DVR Records 8 channel at a time

Posted by – October 4, 2016

Garapon has on display their TV recording hardware device called GaraponTV 4, capable of recording up to 8 channels simultaneously. It comes equipped with an internal hard drive and can broadcast recorded shows to connected devices wirelessly. The device is built to stream video with a bit rate of 400kbps for smooth streaming on 3G when broadcasted to mobile devices, going up to 3.2Mbps. It costs approx. US$300.

MASHUP awards exhibit body sensors for motion gaming

Posted by – October 4, 2016

The MASHUP awards claim to be one of Japan’s largest development contests, featuring applicants from university students and the like. Here we see a small sensor that attaches to the wrist and ankle of the wearer, allowing motion control during games. The other demo is of a foot-mounted sensor that records footsteps walked across the exhibition floor, as well as a short game demo when the wearer jumps.

Hong Kong students develop robot

Posted by – October 4, 2016

Students from a school in Hong Kong present a robot of their own design which is demonstrated here to play a percussion instrument. The robot won them a first prize at a competition in HK. Another exhibit just next to this demonstrates a robot that pours fluids over from a container.

NAVVIS 3D Mapping hardware and software demonstrated with IoT

Posted by – October 4, 2016

NAVVIS is a Tokyo-based company that is showing their 3D spatial mapping technology – using a combination of lasers, multiple cameras in different directions and a display unit, the setup is moved about on the exhibition floor, with immediate results showing variables (moving objects such as people) in a different shade from statics (walls, floor, stalls etc). The company also has a lineup of IoT products, wireless technologies and a drone.

HK Wesley College from Hong Kong demonstrate Pytthagorean robot

Posted by – October 4, 2016

Yet another student display from students in Hong Kong, this time from the Methodist Church HK Wesley College demonstrate a Pythagorean robot that measures the length of the sides of a triangle set by the user, which can then be measured (using ultrasonic measurement of a kind) and then display the calculated angles of each side of the formed triangle. This project won a first prize in mathematics for the team.

DoggyFun dog toy by Asder Electronics

Posted by – October 1, 2016

Asder Electronics Co. is a company that has a long history of children’s toys. Here they demonstrate their product called DoggyFun, a toy meant for canines. The toy works by having a ball dropped in from the top, ejected with medium velocity out the sides to fetch. The toy can work for approximately 2000 shots on a single charge. Only one ball can be used at a time.

Shanghai Tianxun battery-powered metal detectors

Posted by – October 1, 2016

Shanghai Tianxun displays their metal detectors here, meant to be used as family entertainment. Costing about US$10 each, the detectors have non-rechargeable batteries meaning they will need to be substituted with fresh ones after a full discharge. The battery life is rated for about 22hours and the detectors sell at about 10,000 pieces per month.

For more details visit : cnmetaldetector.com

$28 K&K portable live video streamer, walkie-talkie

Posted by – October 1, 2016

A GPS tracker for pets, a portable video-streaming walkie-talkie (running on 2.4GHz frequency between the two devices), a range of wireless security products, and a GPS watch for children to track their activity – all of this is on display by K&K, a company based in Dongguan. The pet tracker’s battery is expected to last for two days and costs US$28, while the GPS watch for children costs US$34.

Pinda Baby Temperature Monitoring System

Posted by – October 1, 2016

Shenzhen Pinda Technologies Ltd. Has put on display their baby temperature sensor. It resembles a watch and is meant to be strapped to the baby’s arm. The supporting app on the mobile device shows a host of functions such as temperature readouts, alarm settings in case of temperature variations, and so on. They also manufacture Bluetooth speakers and wireless chargers.

Eswing Electric Scooter with 50km range

Posted by – October 1, 2016

Shenzhen XinLi Technology Co., Limited, registered as Eswing, is a ShenZhen-based manufacturer of electric mobility products. On display here are their electric scooters that use Samsung batteries and provide a range as high as 50km. The cost for one ranges from US$300 to US$1300. The company is more than five years old, has reported massive market size increases (over 2000% for one of their scooters) and sells about 3000 units a month.

Linaro Connect Las Vegas 2016 opening keynote

Posted by – September 28, 2016
Category: Linaro Connect

This is the official keynote video by George Grey, CEO of Linaro welcoming attendees to the conference and giving an update on the latest projects taking place at Linaro. You can check Linaro’s official YouTube channel at http://youtube.com/linaroorg for videos of all the keynotes and sessions at the Linaro Connect Las VEgas 2016 which is happening right now September 26-30th 2016.

Meccano Robots

Posted by – September 25, 2016

Meccano has displayed their new robots here dubbed Meccano G16, and the Meccanoid G16-KS (Kid-sized). Programming is possible through the app or voice recognition. Programming can be done to sing, talk and dance. The smallest model is expected to retail for US$40, US$140 for the medium size model, and US$400 for the biggest model.

BenQ Smart Window, transparent, opaque, translucent..

Posted by – September 25, 2016

BenQ demonstrates their smart window concept that allows a transparent pane to turn opaque on passing a current through it. The display room shown here also demonstrates their H.A.D.E.S. system, a network of devices that allows one to control window opacity, ceiling light intensity (lit by LEDs), and a privacy window that blocks light from outside but allows users from inside to see out. Power consumption for the prototype is 10mW/m^2.

AirButton NFC multi-functional button

Posted by – September 25, 2016

Air Button is an NFC patch that can be stuck on to the NFC region on one’s smartphone. The only requirement is that the phone itself have NFC; here we see the Button demonstrated on a Sony Xperia Z1, being used to launch the camera application as well as take a picture with the same button. It uses its own app and can launch any installed phone app, audio file, or even a sequence of actions. The company is founded in Hong Kong, and has successfully completed their crowdfunding attempt on Kickstarter.