
Professor Yannis Missirlis talks Philosophy of Nanotechnology, Nanomedicine, Biology and more

Posted by – August 14, 2019

Professor Yannis Missirlis was born in Samos-Greece (1946), graduated as Chemical Engineer from the NTUA (Athens-1969), received a M.Sc, (Syracuse-USA, 1971) and his Ph.D. from Rice University (Houston1973) in Biomedical Engineering. Prof. Missirlis served as an Assistant Professor and Associate Professor at McMaster University (Canada,1974-1980) before joining the University of Patras in 1981, as a full Professor, directing since then the Laboratory of Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering. Prof. Missirlis has served as Vice-Rector of the University (1986-1988), as a member of the European, and of the World Council of Biomechanics. He has coauthored a book on Biomaterials (2011), coedited 2 books on Protein Adsorption, and on Platelet interaction with Biomaterials, has published
80 peer-reviewed papers in international journals, and currently is active in the area of cell-material interactions, tissue engineering, biomechanics from nano-to macro.

Filmed at the Nanotexnology Thessaloniki 2019 conference all my videos from this conference to be in this playlist: (this playlist will eventually contain all 38 videos I filmed at the conference) coverage sponsored by HOPE-A Hellenic Organic and Printed Electronics Association and OET Organic Electronic Technologies (OET booth: OET beach demo: sponsored by the Cornet project (GA: 760949) which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under the Call NMBP-07-2017

EDP Sciences Senior Publishing Editor Ariana Fuga: Physics & astronomy, engineering & technology…

Posted by – August 14, 2019

EDP Sciences is an international publisher based in France and publishes high quality scientific journals, books and conference proceedings, partnering with the academic community since 1920, publishing journals on Physics & astronomy, engineering & technology, health sciences & dentistry, life sciences, chemistry, mathematics and computer science. It was founded in 1920 as La Société du Journal de Physique et Le Radium with founders among Société Française de Physique (French Physics Society) and several renowned scientists and industrialists including Louis de Broglie, Marie Curie, Paul Langevin and Louis Lumière. EDP Sciences Is owned by learned societies, is strongly involved in the Open Science movement. Is member of the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA) (since June 2012) and Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) (since 2003). Publishes around 32 Open Access journals and Open Access books and Open Access conference proceedings (Web of Conferences) Launched new Open Access megajournal compliant with the Open Science principals publishing Open Peer review: In 2020, EDP Science celebrates a century.

Official video cartoon on the EDP Sciences history:

Filmed at the Nanotexnology Thessaloniki 2019 conference all my videos from this conference to be in this playlist: (this playlist will eventually contain all 38 videos I filmed at the conference) coverage sponsored by HOPE-A Hellenic Organic and Printed Electronics Association and OET Organic Electronic Technologies (OET booth: OET beach demo: sponsored by the Cornet project (GA: 760949) which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under the Call NMBP-07-2017

LTFN booth Nanotechnology Lab of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Greece at NANOTEXNOLOGY 2019

Posted by – August 14, 2019

Experts from the Nanotechnology Lab LTFN ( of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, present the activities and innovations of the LTFN Lab in the fields of the development of flexible Organic Electronic devices (as Organic Photovoltaics, Organic Light Emitting Diodes and Organic Thin Film Transistors (OTFTs)). The infrastructure of the lab enhances the research, promotes collaborations (European and national projects), establishes networks (HOPE-A, NanoNet and supports the translation of the research results into commercialization of products and services (collaboration with SMEs).
An overview of the research activities of the Nanotechnology LTFN Lab in the framework of Horizon 2020 Projects is presented. These include the:
H2020 Factory of the Future (FoF) Project SmartLine ( which will create intelligent and zero-defect manufacturing processes by developing robust and non-destructive in-line metrology tools (optical, electrical, structural) and process control platform to achieve the reliable and closed-loop manufacturing of Organic Electronic devices (OPVs and OLEDs for lighting) by Roll-to-Roll Printing and Organic Vapour Phase Deposition (OVPD) pilot lines.
H2020 NMBP Project CORNET ( which will develop a unique EU Open Innovation Environment (OIE) covering the triangle of Manufacturing, Modelling and Experimentation. The project will also optimize the OLAE materials, behavior and nano-devices’ manufacturing processes through multi-scale characterization and modelling. This will have huge impact on the fast and reliable development of new materials and devices, enabling the control of production processes for tailored OE devices fabrication and systems for industrial applications.

Filmed at the Nanotexnology Thessaloniki 2019 conference (, all my videos from this conference to be in this playlist: (this playlist will eventually contain all 38 videos I filmed at the conference, to be published about 1 per day over one month) coverage sponsored by HOPE-A ( Hellenic Organic and Printed Electronics Association and OET Organic Electronic Technologies ( sponsored by the Cornet project (GA: 760949) which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under the Call NMBP-07-2017

HOPE-A Hellenic Organic & Printed Electronics Association at NANOTEXNOLOGY 2019

Posted by – August 14, 2019

Hellenic Organic & Printed Electronics Association ( focuses on the coordination of the activities of industrial and research organizations in Greece in the field of Flexible Organic & Printed Electronics (OEs). HOPE-A covers the entire value chain of OE Products and Services in Green Energy, Lighting, Electronics, Automotive, Smart Buildings, Greenhouses, Intelligent Packaging, Wearables, IoT (

Filmed at the Nanotexnology Thessaloniki 2019 conference (, all my videos from this conference to be in this playlist: (this playlist will eventually contain all 38 videos I filmed at the conference, to be published about 1 per day over one month) coverage sponsored by HOPE-A ( Hellenic Organic and Printed Electronics Association and OET Organic Electronic Technologies ( sponsored by the Cornet project (GA: 760949) which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under the Call NMBP-07-2017

OE Technologies (OET) Booth flexible Organic Photovoltaics umbrellas, sunbeds at NANOTEXNOLOGY 2019

Posted by – August 14, 2019

Experts from the high-tech company OE Technologies (OET), give us a first view of the integration of high performance and fully printed Organic Photovoltaic modules on consumer products, such as OPV-powered umbrellas and sunbeds with the capability to charge mobile devices (mobile phones, tablets, PCs, etc.) and refrigerators.
Also, OET’s experts give us an inside tour of their concepts and solutions to revolutionize energy generation and lighting by manufacturing novel Organic Photovoltaics (OPVs) and Organic Light Emitting Diodes (OLEDs), in applications from Smart Textiles and Wearables, Intelligent Packaging, Automotive & Solar Roofs, Ambient Lighting, Autonomous and Nomadic applications (as energy efficient refrigerators). These innovations were presented at the NANOTEXNOLOGY 2019 Conferences and Exhibition ( in Thessaloniki, Greece

Filmed at the Nanotexnology Thessaloniki 2019 conference (, all my videos from this conference to be in this playlist: (this playlist will eventually contain all 38 videos I filmed at the conference, to be published about 1 per day over one month) coverage sponsored by HOPE-A ( Hellenic Organic and Printed Electronics Association and OET Organic Electronic Technologies ( sponsored by the Cornet project (GA: 760949) which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under the Call NMBP-07-2017

NanoNet with 570+ members worldwide promotes communication, collaboration in Nano-Bio-Technologies

Posted by – August 14, 2019

Nano|Net is an initiative for the promotion of communication and collaboration between research and business organizations activated in the fields of Nano-Bio-Technologies, NanoNet’s mission and activities are focused to reinforce and promote Nanotechnologies in Greece, Europe and Worldwide, through an interscientific and multidisciplinary approach.

Nanotechnology in Drug Delivery with Professor Nicholas Peppas (University of Texas at Austin)

Posted by – August 14, 2019

Nicholas A. Peppas, known for Hydrogels, swellable systems, swelling/syneresis, polymer physics, nanotechnology, nano materials, Peppas equation, Korsmeyer-Peppas equation, Peppas-Reinhart theory, Brannon-Peppas theory, oral protein delivery, intelligent polymers, recognitive release systems, regenerative medicine, convergence. In the Fields of Chemical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Biomaterials, Drug Delivery, Tissue Engineering
Nicholas A. Peppas is a chemical and biomedical engineer whose leadership in biomaterials science and engineering, drug delivery, bionanotechnology, pharmaceutical sciences, chemical and polymer engineering has provided seminal foundations based on the physics and mathematical theories of nanoscale, macromolecular processes and drug/protein transport and has led to numerous biomedical products or devices.

Peppas was educated in chemical engineering at the National Technical University of Athens (D. Eng., 1971) and at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Sc.D., 1973) under the direction of bioengineering pioneer Edward W. Merrill. Subsequently, he was a postdoctoral fellow in the Arteriosclerosis Center of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology under world biomedical leaders Clark K. Colton, Kenneth A. Smith and Robert S. Lees.

He is the Cockrell Family Regents Chair #6 in Engineering at the University of Texas at Austin. He has been at the University of Texas at Austin since December 2002 and is serving as the Director of the Institute of Biomaterials, Drug Delivery, and Regenerative Medicine, and its Laboratory of Biomaterials, Drug Delivery and Bionanotechnology with appointments in the Department of Chemical Engineering, the Department of Biomedical Engineering[8] and the College of Pharmacy at the University of Texas at Austin. Before 2002, he was the Showalter Distinguished Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Professor of Chemical Engineering at Purdue University.

Peppas is a leading researcher, inventor and pacesetter in the field of drug delivery and controlled release, a field that he developed into a mature area of scholarly research. He is also a leader in biomaterials, bionanotechnology, nano materials and bionanotechnology, and has contributed seminal work in the fields of feedback controlled biomedical devices and molecular recognition. The multidisciplinary approach of his research in bionanotechnology and biomolecular engineering blends modern molecular and cellular biology with engineering to generate the next-generation of medical systems and devices, including bioMEMS with enhanced applicability, reliability, functionality, and longevity. His contributions have been translated into more than twenty medical products.

He is an inaugural Fellow of the Biomedical Engineering Society, an inaugural Fellow of the Materials Research Society (MRS), an inaugural Fellow of the CRS, a founding Fellow of AIMBE, a Fellow of the American Chemical Society, a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC), Fellow of the Society for Biomaterials, a Fellow of the American Physical Society, a Fellow of the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS), a Fellow of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, a Fellow of the American Society for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), a Fellow of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) and an Honorary fellow of the Italian Society of Medicine and Natural Sciences.

You can read more of his bio at

OET’s Solar Flexible Photovoltaics at Santorini island

Posted by – August 14, 2019

Flexible Photovoltaics harvesting the Mediterranean sun in Santorini island.

This video and my video coverage from the Nanotexnology Thessaloniki 2019 conference all my videos from this conference to be in this playlist: (this playlist will eventually contain all 38 videos I filmed at the conference) coverage sponsored by HOPE-A Hellenic Organic and Printed Electronics Association and OET Organic Electronic Technologies (OET booth: OET beach demo: sponsored by the Cornet project (GA: 760949) which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under the Call NMBP-07-2017

Atomic-scale Theoretical Physics with Professor Sokrates Pantelides, Vanderbilt University

Posted by – August 14, 2019

Ph.D., Physics, University of Illinois, 1973 (Thesis advisor: Professor C.T. Sah.
Thesis title: Theory of Point-Imperfection States in Semiconductors)
M.S., Physics, University of Illinois, 1970
B.S., Physics, Northern Illinois University, with Highest Scholastic Honors, 1969
Primary and Secondary School in Cyprus (1955-1966) – Valedictorian
Theoretical Physics
Semiconductor Physics
First Principles Atomic-Scale
Applied Density Functional Theory
University Distinguished Professor of Physics and Engineering, Vanderbilt University (2010-Present)
William A. and Nancy F. McMinn Professor of Physics, Vanderbilt University (1994-Present)
Professor of Electrical Engineering, Vanderbilt University (2008-present)
Distinguished Visiting Scientist, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (1995-Present)
1995-1997 : Chair, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Vanderbilt University
1992-1993 : Adjunct Professor, Columbia University, New York City
1991 : Program Director, Technology and Science Modeling
An interdivisional program in the use of computer modeling for semiconductor, packaging and storage technology development
1989-1990 : Executive Secretary of the Science Advisory Committee and Technical Assistant to the Vice President for Science and Technology
Primary responsibilities in reviews of corporate-wide science and technology programs, including systems and software
1987-1989 : Senior Manager, Semiconductors and Insulators
Responsible for experimental and theoretical programs in materials growth and characterization, spectroscopy, microscopy, electronic properties, chemical dynamics, radiation science, technology transfer
1985-1987 : Manager, Dynamical Processes in Solids
1984-1985 : Technical Staff to the Director of Research
1978 : Acting Chair Professor of Theoretical Physics, University of Lund, Sweden
1975 : NORDITA Visiting Professor, University of Lund, Sweden
1975-1994 : Research Staff Member, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, Physical Sciences Department
1973-1975 : Research Fellow, Stanford University (with W.A. Harrison)
American Physical Society
American Association for the Advancement of Science
Materials Research Society
Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Electrochemical Society
Elected Fellow of the American Physical Society, 1980.
IBM Outstanding Innovation Award, 1981
Invited by the Swedish Academy of Sciences to nominate candidates for the Nobel Prize in Physics, annually since 1982.
Elected Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2003
APS Outstanding Referee Award, 2008
Elected Fellow of the Materials Research Society, 2012
Elected Fellow of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2015

Free Energy, Cheap Solar, The Smart Grid Revolution with Professor Ravi Silva of Surrey University

Posted by – August 14, 2019

Ravi Silva is the Director of the Advanced Technology Institute (ATI) and Heads the Nano-Electronics Centre (NEC), which is an interdisciplinary research activity at Surrey University. The ATI has over 150 active researchers working on multidiscipline programmes with the NEC being a major research group within the institute. He joined Surrey in 1995. Ravi’s secondary education was in Sri Lanka, after which he joined the Engineering Department at Cambridge University for his undergraduate and postgraduate work. He was a recipient of Cambridge Commonwealth Trust Fellowship while at Cambridge and member of Clare College.

His research has resulted in over 600 presentations at international conferences, and over 550 journal papers, Over 17,000 citations (Google Scholar), and a Google H-factor of 66. In 2002 he was awarded the Charles Vernon Boys Medal by the Institute of Physics, and in 2003 he was awarded the IEE Achievement Award.In 2003 he was also awarded the Albert Einstein Silver Medal and Javed Husain Prize by UNESCO for contributions to electronic devices.In 2003 the largest EPSRC Portfolio award for £6.68M was awarded to Prof. Silva and his team on Integrated Electronics which examined nanoscale design featrues on the optical and photonic device properties. In 2004 by a SRIF award for £4M to set up a Nano-Electronics Centre for multidisciplinary research was awarded and allowed the enhancement of nano-bio activities via the EU Sensation and EU Carbio programme.

In 2005, the Nano-Electronics Centre was a finalist in the Emerging Technologies category of the IEE 2005 Awards for Innovation in Engineering.In 2007, Prof. Silva was the runner-up of the “Times Higher Education Young Scientist of the Year”, and “Most Entrepreneurial Scientist 2007, United Kingdom”, by UKSEC and Science Alliance of the Netherlands. He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts in 2007.In 2008 he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, UK.

Since 2005 he has worked with the National Science Foundation (NSF), Sri Lanka to establish nanotechnology as a vehicle from which to create wealth for the nation that will allow for poverty alleviation in the country. By introducing high technology in to the manufacturing base in Sri Lanka he has spearheaded a drive to introduce innovation and competitiveness in to the industrial sector within the country. Prof. Silva was on the advisory board of Imprimatur Ltd and the National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) of Sri Lanka. He spent the year 2008 acting as an Advisor to the Honourable Minister of Science and Technology in Sri Lanka, and helped set up the Sri Lanka Institute of NanoTechnology (SLINTec) and the Nano-Science Park NANCO (private) Ltd. He acts as an advisor to both these activities and sits on the director board.

Prof. Silva was also a member of the Electrical and Electronic Panel (UoA24) for the Research Assessment Exercise (2003-2008) RAE2008, EPSRC Nanotechnology Task Force and sat (2007-2010) on the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council’s (EPSRC) Technology Opportunities Panel (TOP). In 2009 he was elected as a Fellow of the National Academy of Sciences Sri Lanka. He is a panel member in Engineering for the REF2021.

You can read the rest of his biography at

Filmed at the Nanotexnology Thessaloniki 2019 conference (, all my videos from this conference to be in this playlist: (this playlist will eventually contain all 38 videos I filmed at the conference, to be published about 1 per day over one month) coverage sponsored by HOPE-A ( Hellenic Organic and Printed Electronics Association and OET Organic Electronic Technologies ( sponsored by the Cornet project (GA: 760949) which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under the Call NMBP-07-2017

OET Technologies Beach Demos, sunbeds, umbrellas, kiosks powered by flexible Organic Photovoltaics

Posted by – August 14, 2019

Experts from the high-tech company OE Technologies (OET), present their revolutionary products to provide energy efficiency in comsumer products such as beach sunbeds, umbrellas and kiosks, which were demonstrated during the NANOTEXNOLOGY 2019 Conferences and Exhibition ( in Thessaloniki, Greece. Also, they describe the capabilities of the OET’s solutions and products for energy efficiency and charging of mobile devices such as mobile phones, tables, and laptop PC.

Filmed at the Nanotexnology Thessaloniki 2019 conference (, all my videos from this conference to be in this playlist: (this playlist will eventually contain all 38 videos I filmed at the conference, to be published about 1 per day over one month) coverage sponsored by HOPE-A ( Hellenic Organic and Printed Electronics Association and OET Organic Electronic Technologies ( sponsored by the Cornet project (GA: 760949) which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under the Call NMBP-07-2017

BL Nanobiomed, Nanomedicine Technology

Posted by – August 14, 2019

BL Nanobio­med applies nanotechnologies to advance implants and biomedical devices and they are committed to working for the patient’s benefit. BL’s mission is to develop innovative nanomedical technologies and to overcome the clinical hurdles in the diagnosis and therapy of diseases. BL’s activities and products were demonstrated during the NANOTEXNOLOGY 2019 Conferences and Exhibition ( in Thessaloniki, Greece.

Tour at Nanotexnology 2019 Conference with Professor Stergios Logothetidis in Thessaloniki Greece

Posted by – August 14, 2019

The NANOTEXNOLOGY Chairman, Professor Stergios Logothetidis gives a tour at the NANOTEXNOLOGY 2019 Conferences and Exhibition ( in Thessaloniki, Greece. NANOTEXNOLOGY is the largest technology, networking and matchmaking annual event in Europe and it includes the premier and Internationally established events:
International Conference on Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies (NN19) 2-5 July
International Symposium on Flexible Organic Electronics (ISFOE19) 1-4 July
International Conference on 3D Printing, 3D Bioprinting, Digital & Additive Manufacturing (I3D19) 1-5 July
International Summer Schools “N&N, OE & Nanomedicine” (ISSON19) 29 June-6 July
Business Forum, 2-4 July
Matchmaking Event, 3 July

Filmed at the Nanotexnology Thessaloniki 2019 conference (, all my videos from this conference to be in this playlist: (this playlist will eventually contain all 38 videos I filmed at the conference, to be published about 1 per day over one month) coverage sponsored by HOPE-A ( Hellenic Organic and Printed Electronics Association and OET Organic Electronic Technologies ( sponsored by the Cornet project (GA: 760949) which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under the Call NMBP-07-2017

H2020 Project CORNET

Posted by – August 14, 2019

H2020 NMBP Project CORNET ( develops a EU Open Innovation Environment (OIE) covering the triangle of Manufacturing, Modelling and Experimentation optimized the OLAE materials, behavior and nano-devices’ manufacturing processes through multi-scale characterization and modelling. This has an impact on the fast and reliable development of new materials and devices, enabling the control of production processes for tailored OE devices fabrication and systems for industrial applications and more.

Type C hub Colorii IPC01/IPC02 for iPad Pro 2018/iPadOS 13

Posted by – August 12, 2019

Colorii Type C hub IPC01/IPC02 seeks new distributors (see contact details below) supports Apple’s newer iPad Pro 2018 supporting the iPadOS 13. Colorii shipps 2 models with 3 different design since April 2018, IPC01 and IPC02. IPC01 comes with Type C port to connect with iPad Pro, and 1 USB3.0 to support mouse, keyboard or USB flash drive, or it also can support charge phone via iPad Pro. The earphone jack support connect with earphones, they also support control-by-wire on iPad Pro with stop and play feature. The type C female port supports 60W PD3.0 fast charging the iPad Pro. The HDMI port supports 2K@60HZ on iPad Pro. It also supports 4K@30HZ on Macbook Pro and other laptop. IPC01/IPC02 supports the SAMSUNG and Huawei flagship phones, Microsoft Surface Go and more.

Compared with IPC01, IPC02 comes with SD card and TF card, that means you can have 1 port to connected with mouse, and meanwhile you can connect with SD or TF card to transfer files.

The iPad Pro upgraded to iPadOS 13 can support mouse, reading files from SD card or USB flash drive. It support EXCEL, WORD, Powerpoint, PDF. It also supports playback pictures and videos with any file names. Not like must be some special file names like before. With iPadOS, it can support share/move/copy/delete files on iPad or SD/micro SD card, or USB flash drive.

Potential distributors can contact Colorii for distribution price, they also support small orders and fast delivery:

Gennie Peng, Sales Manager
Mobile/Whatsapp/Wechat: +86 1501 3777 080

YouTube Shopping is the future (my idea)

Posted by – July 31, 2019

This is my first unrehearsed draft trying to explain my vision of what I think YouTube Shopping should be. YouTube Shopping is an idea for a service that I think is just basic common sense and that I think YouTube needs to implement to 10x increase monetization for all YouTubers and thus to 10x increase the quality of content published on YouTube. It’s basically the automatic 1-click purchasing of relevant products automatically detected to be relevant to every specific video on YouTube. If the video talks about cameras it may be a link to purchase the camera. Whatever the video is about, YouTube’s algorithms can always detect a relevant product to be able to sell to the viewers of that video. But it should not be considered advertising. Just as Google Shopping must support all third party price comparison engines, integrate every web store in the world, YouTube Shopping must be able to integrate with Amazon Prime, with all other price comparison and all other web stores on the web, as long as they also provide commissions per sale. And not just regular e-commerce, also all other affilate sales systems should be integrated. And that relevant product can be adjusted by the YouTuber and eventually by the viewer too if YouTube’s algorithm identifies the wrong product. There may be more than one relevant product at any given time in any video too. Some may want to buy the camera that I am talking about, others may want to buy the t-shirt that I am wearing, others may want to buy the merchandise that I am selling.

Onyx BOOX firmware 2.1.2: sync, speech recognition, definitions, bookmarks, copy/paste and more

Posted by – July 29, 2019
Category: Onyx, Exclusive video

Here in Barcelona, Andreu Coll Onyx BOOX European Sales and Marketing Representative presenting some of the new firmware features such as the Speech recognition where the BOOX can convert said words in for example a meeting into digital text inside the BOOX note app. When in Side Notes feature, users can highlight word/s and look for the meaning on the Internet. E-Book Bookmarks can now be renamed. Text can be copied from Apps or Internet and pasted in the Note App text input. The the BOOX Sync users can bind their BOOX device with Evernote or Dropbox account for example and all notes can be synchronized and can be found and edited also from other device such as a smartphone or laptop. Also, users can download 3rd party Apps such as OneNote or OneDrive and also upload notes or download documents already on the cloud.

All the available BOOX devices are listed here:
Amazon USA:
All Products
Also available in Amazon Spain, Italy, Germany, UK, France, Canada.

Users, fans and potential customers of BOOX can contact Andreu Coll directly here: and he will also check and respond to comments here under the video.

BOOX at EDIX Japan 2019

Posted by – July 24, 2019
Category: Onyx, Exclusive video

BOOX shows their E Ink tablets/pads at the EDIX Japan Education conference. In this video, BOOX products and BOOX education system platform are introduced at EDIX Japan, these devices can be used in classrooms and are good for kids and adults since are eye-friendly, have a low power battery and weight less than carrying a bag full of books for the small kid.

Boréas Technologies haptics BOS1901 single-chip piezo actuator driver at Display Week 2019

Posted by – July 17, 2019
Category: Exclusive video

Boréas Technologies Inc. is a fabless semiconductor company commercializing product-differentiating integrated circuits for haptic applications in consumer and industrial markets. Boréas demoed the BOS1901, the lowest-power piezoelectric driver integrated circuit (IC) for high-definition (HD) haptic feedback in wearables and other battery-powered consumer devices at Display Week 2019. The BOS1901 is a single-chip piezo actuator driver with energy recovery, based on a patent pending CapDrive™ technology. It can drive actuators with up to 190 V waveforms while operating from a 3-5.5 V supply voltage. The input digital stream is written in the internal FIFO over the digital interface to generate the desired output waveform. Low power and small size make it suitable in a variety of applications where power consumption and heat dissipation must be minimized.

NXP i.MX 8X, CODESYS, EtherCAT, OPC UA, Android, RIMAC at the Toradex Booth

Posted by – July 9, 2019

Toradex’s NXP i.MX 8X based System on Module. The i.MX 8X SoCs comes with up to 4x Cortex-A35 and 1x Cortex-M4. The Cortex-A35 is an extreme power-effective 64bit Arm Core, the M4 is used to offload real-time tasks, check for errors to increase safety, and check for errors to further lower the power consumption.
The RAM and cache on the 8X can be protected with ECC (Error Correction Code) which make these SoMs ideal for critical applications such as Industrial Automation, Medical, Railways, etc.
Toradex shows the Colibri iMX8X running a GPU accelerated Qt application. The Apalis iMX8X with ECC will be available soon The Industrial 4.0 demo shows a Real-time Time Motion Control Application. A Toradex Apalis iMX6 powers the Midi-Eagle Computer from Diamond Systems featuring dual ethernet interfaces A CODESYS Soft PLC Stack is running on top of real-time Linux with a motion controller software. The motors are connected via EtherCAT. The system also utilizes an OPC-UA Server from Matrikon The demo was put together by the experienced Toradex Partner BE.Services.
RIMAC, famous for its insanely fast electric cars, demonstrates how the pin-compatibility of the Toradex SoM allows them to simply upgrade from an Apalis iMX6 to an Apalis iMX8QM.
Kynetics is providing Android support for Toradex modules. They show off Android on the i.MX 8 QuadMax but also on the i.MX 7 utilizing the integrated Cortex-M4 Core.
This allows it to run on the Cortex M4 Core an RTOS such as FreeRTOS and offload tasks.
Kynetics also provides an over-the-air (OTA) solution called Update Factory for IoT applications based on Eclipse hawkBit.

Diamond Systems Midi-Eagle Computers
Matrikon OPC UA
RIMAC and Toradex