TAO-Wellness isometric exercise system

Posted by – January 7, 2014

TAO-Wellness introduces TAO, to exercise at your desk, on the airplane, while watching TV or watching the kids. Isometrics, the science of applying pressure, has been used for thousands of years to improve muscle strength, tone and circulation which is why it is so fundamental to today’s most popular fitness programs like Pilates, Plank Exercising, and the 7-Minute Scientific Workout. However, TAO takes it a step further by adding a dynamic element. It makes you vary the pressure by coaching you through your workout, and then electronically capturing the results. TAO-Wellness has coined the scientific term for this type of exercise as “variobics.”

Rob Savoye, Tech Lead Linaro Toolchain Working Group

Posted by – January 6, 2014

Rob Savoye has been working on GCC since 1987, he was on the team that originally made it. Rob Savoye is a Tech Lead in Support Maintenance at Linaro, needing good ways to prove that they are improving things for Linux on ARM. Leonid Knyshov conducts most of this Interview.

Why CES is important

Posted by – January 5, 2014
Category: Opinions, CES

Check back for my 75+ best videos from the CES 2014 here at http://ARMdevices.net to be posted these next days, CES is an amazing place where 5000 companies all make better value for money and more interesting products than Apple/Microsoft/Oracle/IBM and about a dozen other $100+ Billion US Tech giants who all snub the CES because they don’t like competition. CES is where 5000 of the most interesting hardware startups from all over the world are exhibiting all at the same time in the USA and it’s not to be missed.

Wearables and Internet of Things are huge advances for society once they get implemented right. Sure you can always argue that all tech was invented 20-50 years ago, and that nothing new has been invented since. Yet the CES is really important because it showcases 5000 of the most interesting hardware startups from around the world, all showing their latest work all at the same time. The engineers and even the marketing representatives mostly love their own products and have lived creating them for the past many months, most often for the past many years, most of them are doing their best. And most often you can find absolutely awesome things even if you have a very boring or critical opinion about consumer electronics innovation. Sure tech innovation could go much faster if society was organized differently, perhaps, where somehow efforts were added to each other instead of done in parallel by competitors who kind of hate each other too much. But this is thankfully happening now more and more thanks to Android and the open source hardware platforms (which ARM ecosystem kind of is, ARM designs are open source, anyone can make them, they just have to licence the architecture), those things as accelerated innovation are actually visible and each CES is better than the last, clearly.

I’m in Las Vegas to video-blog the CES this week

Posted by – January 5, 2014
Category: CES

Latest wearables, IoT, ARM Cortex-A12, new Exynos, new big.LITTLE, new 64bit, latest from Qualcomm, Nvidia, Rockchip, Allwinner, AmLogic, and all the other ARM chip providers, I’ll be posting the best videos on those, so check back here constantly over the next days and weeks.

Support ARMdevices.net through the Sourcing Service:

If you work in the consumer electronics industry, if you’d like to meet me in between the CES showfloor and the Las Vegas strip for lunch, or dinner to discuss your plans, ideas and get my advice on your business, you can book an hour of my time at the CES by subscribing to the ARMdevices.net Sourcing Service for $500 (which also includes a full Shenzhen based expert service to help you source the best devices out of China. That would also help cover my flight and hotel expenses. Even if you are not at CES but would like to video-chat with me after the CES, or meet me at an other conference maybe during the year (MWC? Hong Kong fair?), I would appreciate if you would signup for the sourcing service now.

Send me emails at charbax@gmail.com if you have any questions/suggestions about anything.

Advertise on ARMdevices.net:

If you work in a company which I regularly video-blog, please consider signing up for advertising on ARMdevices.net for 2014, starting at $500 per 2 months for a banner in the right sidebar, $3000 for the whole year, $5000 for a banner (1/4th the size of the current Google Ad) on the top center of every page for the whole year. That banner can link to a category for your company’s products on ARMdevices.net for example and that would mean I will film more videos of the products from your company in priority at every conference, in Shenzhen or/and Silicon Valley if your company has any presence in any of those.

Have me video-blog in your factory:

If your company is a factory in Shenzhen, you can sign up for $500 at to have me come make some factory tour videos in your Shenzhen factory and company headquarter. The more sponsors, advertisers, sourcing customers and shenzhen factory customers I get, the sooner and more often I will return to video-blog in Shenzhen China.

If you are just a regular viewer of my videos, fan of what I do, if you would like to support my work (help pay for my travels etc), you can either signup to be a Member of ARMdevices.net for $20/year or you can also voluntarily send me as much money as you would like as a donation to my paypal email address: charbax@gmail.com thanks a lot!

Leonid Knyshov shows his Vostimonial Start-up then helps me do some Interviews

Posted by – January 5, 2014

Leonid Knyshov lives in the Silicon Valley, working on making some of his Start-up ideas and showing them around at conferences. Here’s how he shows his latest startup at the ARM Techcon, it’s demonstrated on an iPad Mini hanging around his head. After this video, I asked Leonid to help me by doing a few interviews from his technical point of view.

Wolfgang Helfricht, ARM Physical IP Advanced Products Marketing Director

Posted by – January 5, 2014

Talking about the success story of the ARM Cortex-A7 taped out of Samsung’s 14nm LP process, a project in collaboration with Samsung, Cadence, supporting thus 14nm process node.

Mele 4K Player, Allwinner A31 based

Mele shows off 4K video playback on their Linux (not yet Android based) Allwinner A31 quad-core ARM Cortex-A7 Set-top-box. Playing back specific codecs, bitrates, framerates, 30fps for now. Mele also shows OTT video-on-demand support. Mele also shows their new Telechips dual-core ARM Cortex-A9 with full multimedia playback including the Blu-ray ISO files support, thus supporting all the video playback.

Dafurong imapx15 with Android 4.3, dual-core ARM Cortex-A5

Posted by – January 4, 2014

Cheap $32 7″ tablet with dual-core ARM Cortex-A5 infotmic solution supports smooth Android 4.3, 1GB RAM, 4GB Flash. And more.

Match Tech latest Rockchip, Allwinner and Mediatek tablets

The latest Rockchip tablets presented by Match Tech.

Filmed at Filmed at the HKTDC Hong Kong Electronics Fair (Autumn Edition) 2013

Binatone’s latest products

Posted by – January 3, 2014

Showing their latest products.

Filmed at the HKTDC Hong Kong Electronics Fair (Autumn Edition) 2013

Jiuzhou Set-top-boxes and HDMI Sticks

Posted by – January 3, 2014

Jiuzhou shows their latest Set-top-box and HDMI Sticks.

Synergy kids tablet

Posted by – January 2, 2014

Synergy shows their dual-core kids tablet and more.

Filmed at the HKTDC Hong Kong Electronics Fair (Autumn Edition) 2013

Boeye Android E Ink e-readers, RK2906

Posted by – January 2, 2014

Boeye shows some of their latest Android E Ink e-readers.

Flinja.com freelancer jobs for college students and alumni

Posted by – January 2, 2014

Flinja is a startup that uses the talent, energy, and financial need of college students to create a freelance workforce. On the marketplace, students post services they want to provide, which alumni and staff can directly book. The site provides an opportunity for students to build their professional networks, find jobs and internships, and make a little extra cash.

And you can watch Flinja’s pitch that made them 3rd best startup at the LeWeb 2013 startup competition:

IntelClinic NeuroOn, sleep mask monitors brain waves, LeWeb 2013 Startup competition winner

Posted by – January 1, 2014

Polish start-up IntelClinic won the Startup competition at LeWeb 2013 by showing off their NeuroOn brainwave-monitoring sleep mask. The idea is to allow you to switch from monophasic to polyphasic sleep. That means if it works, you can sleep less and more efficiently. Thus far they have collected 384 thousand dollars on Kickstarter.

You can also watch their presentation at the Startup competition here:

Collabora open source consultancy

Posted by – January 1, 2014

Collabora‘s mission is to accelerate the adoption of open source technologies, methodologies and philosophy. It does this by providing consultancy to companies who are deploying open source technologies in their products, by providing its own open source based products and through knowledge sharing activities such as training. Collabora’s initial focus was instant messaging (IM), Voice over IP (VoIP) and videoconferencing technologies, but the company has since expanded its offering to include general multimedia, mobile web technologies, collaboration infrastructure, automotive infotainment platforms, graphics optimization, multimedia interoperability & productivity software. Collabora’s customers include many large IT corporations such as Nokia, Samsung, Intel, Texas Instruments and Google.

Linaro Enterprise Group Manager Andrea Gallo

Posted by – January 1, 2014

The Linaro-hosted “Enterprise Group” (LEG) is dedicated to accelerate Linux ARM server ecosystem development and extends the list of Linaro members beyond ARM silicon vendors to Server OEM’s and commercial Linux providers.

Fleur Pellerin Interview, French Minister of IT

Posted by – December 31, 2013

Here’s my quick interview with Fleur Pellerin, she is a politician and minister delegate in the French government. She was appointed Minister Delegate with responsibility for Small and Medium Enterprises, Innovation, and the Digital Economy attached to the Minister for Economic Regeneration (the former Ministry of the Economy, Finance, and Industry) by French President François Hollande on 16 May 2012. After my part in English that lasts 1 minute 55 seconds, I also filmed some of what she said to some other media in French.

My question is about what the Government can do to speed up Technological innovation, from Startups, to established small to medium sized companies to the big Tech companies in society. At the end I also try to ask if there is any chance that the French Government would re-introduce the Socialist party’s idea of Global Licence, an idea of introducing taxation at the ISP-level to finance arts and culture, pay artists, pay musicians/film makers/writers even bloggers and programmers is what I think could be good. Not to replace all existing monetization for content on the web, but to supplement it and to stop trying to put children in jail who pirate content on the Internet or to punish them by cutting off their Internet access.

My opinion is that Government has a big role to play in trying to help speed up Technological Innovation worldwide. Not just to let companies do what they want, where so much relies on the good intentions and good judgement of a few giant corporations like Google, Apple, Microsoft and Intel, I think that Governments should do the most possible to speed innovation forward in the best interest of all the people. That is to enable the usage of Smartphones, Smart devices, Apps ecosystems, etc to improve society for all citizen, to fix certain problems like health, food, education, accomodation, jobs, transportation, the economy, all those can be fixed by clever use of the existing potential of technology. I wonder if all those solutions do appear if Government just sit back and wait for big enterprises or for small new startups to become big enough successes fast enough to decide to develop and implement each of these technological solutions to fix each problem in society when they think it can be profitable enough for them or for when they think they have a good enough reason to provide solutions for each problem.

Here you can see Fleur Pellerin’s keynote discussion Q&A in English at LeWeb 2013:

And there was also another French Minister at LeWeb 2013, Arnaud Montebourg, who did some great performance in his Q&A answering questions from Tech Investors:

Lapka Breathalyzer and PEM, Geiger, EMF, Organic and Temperature/Humidity Sensors

Posted by – December 31, 2013

Lapka releases this new Breathalyzer for iOS and Android, they also have their Lapka personal environment monitor PEM kit, that connects to your Android/iOS phone to measure, collect data and analyze your surroundings. Lapka’s PEM kit features 1 Geiger counter (measure radiation around you), 1 EMF (High Frequency and Low Frequency electromagnetic fields) sensor, 1 Organic sensor (nitrate measurement in fruits and vegetables) and 1 temperature/humidity sensor.

Excelitas DigiPile Proximity Sensor at 10µA (passive infrared) Veritas Detection Group

Posted by – December 31, 2013

Gregory Gallinat of Excelitas Technologies (a Veritas company), demonstrates their new DigiPile Thermopile Detector proximity sensor, ultra small consuming only 10 microamps, would for example enable a future smartphone to detect presence to turn itself on (not even need to touch the device like in the Moto X).

You can read more about these sensors here: http://www.excelitas.com/pages/product/Thermopile-Detectors-Sensors-and-Array-Modules.aspx