Check back for close up HD videos of the latest Huawei news.
Huawei K3V2 Quad-core 40nm ARM Cortex-A9, with 64bit memory bandwidth. they claim it has the worlds fastest ARM performance. |
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Check back for close up HD videos of the latest Huawei news.
Huawei K3V2 Quad-core 40nm ARM Cortex-A9, with 64bit memory bandwidth. they claim it has the worlds fastest ARM performance.
Xavier Dietlin showcases luxury watches using artistic technology. He creates innovative technological displays for over 50 luxury watches worldwide. He’s also in charge of making the display for the amazing reconstructed Antikythera Mechanism remade by Hublot and displayed 3 places in the world.
Kitchen Budapest wants to create tangible interfaces through which people can get in touch with data.
Johnatan Landais and Patrick Vincent of Erasme, talk about using technology for elderly people. is an Environmental Loyalty Solution for companies to engage consumers and for consumers it’s a social game to compensate their carbon emmissions.
The Mute Watch is made by Mai-Li Hammargren, it provides an interesting design, display and user interface. You can order it for 199 Euros at:
Fabian Hemmert and Tom Bieling of the Design Research Lab in Berlin talk about their research of the future of mobile phone technology, haptic feedback around phones, wearable computing. They also design a glove for deaf-bling users to be able to communicate over the Internet.
High-school students from Lausanne Switzerland show off their Lego Mindstorms based bluetooth synchronized robots.
Adrianne Jeffries, reporter at The New York Observer and David Birch, Consult Hyperion offer their opinions of the status of BitCoin, worldwide digital currencies, the future of financial services and more.
Billions of people are going to be connected to the Internet for the first time in the next months and years, the United Nations works on Human Rights for the Internet. This is about China, conflict zones, ACTA/SOPA and many other aspects of Internet Freedom worldwide.
Anaïs Saint-Jude organizes the BiblioTech Program at Stanford, encouraging use of Humanities, Philosophy, Litterature, Arts in Technology companies such as Google, Facebook, Apple.
Marcel Kampman launched Project Dream School to gather ideas for how to revolutionize schools worldwide.
NEXT is a tech conference in Berlin on May 8-9th 2012.
Voltitude is a foldable electric bicycle. Available from March 2012 for about 5000 Swiss Francs, range is 35 kilometers, weight is about 20kg.
Swisscom is the biggest telecom company in Switzerland, they have launched where any user can submit ideas for what they think Swisscom should do and then Swisscom can fund those and make those ideas happen.
Students from HEAD show some of their technological designs at Lift12 in Geneva.
People can scan the QR code on their badge, then walk in front of a Kinect and projector and it can display overlay information on top of people and they can connect and tweet by simply standing close to each other.
inZair ZMS is being demonstrated at Lift12 in Geneva, can be used for free instant messaging and also provides social networking, localization layers are more.
Sennheiser has an advanced research and design center in Zurich Switzerland, they are working on implementing future trends for what Sennheiser might do in 5-10 years.
Texas Instruments posted this video showing the web browsing speed on the upcoming TI Dual-core OMAP5 ARM Cortex-A15 processor running at “only” 800Mhz compared to a 1.3Ghz ARM Cortex-A9 Quad-core processor (sounds like Tegra3, but TI does not specify if that processor is the Tegra3, I think it probably is). The OMAP5 ARM Cortex-A15 finishes the 20 complex HTML5 full page loads (while playing an Mp3 file and downloading a video file) in 95 seconds and on Tegra3 it takes 201 seconds. Check back here on next week as I will film much more on the TI OMAP5 ARM Cortex-A15 processor as Texas Instruments is going to showcase it at their booth. Let me know here in the comments which questions you would like me to ask the TI representatives about the preformance of the OMAP5! I can think of asking them about memory bandwidth vs OMAP4460/OMAP4470 and vs Tegra3, what frequencies it can run at, how many cores, what GPU performance vs OMAP4460/OMAP4470 and vs Tegra3.