Rockchip is launching their customized multi-window UI option for Rockchip devices based on Android 4.2.2. This custom UI option is provided for free for all makers of Rockchip based Android 4.2.2 devices. And this is just their first release of this special multi-window UI, if there is a lot of demand for it they will improve it and optimize it further. Rockchip uses graphics and hardware acceleration to optimize this multi-window UI.
What do you think about this custom UI? How does it compare with some previous Android custom UIs for multi-windowing by Samsung, LG and others? Do you think Google is going to release something like this in Android 4.3 or Android 5? I think there is a need to improve productivity and to improve the ways to use multi-tasking on Android, and some types of multi-windowing like this custom UI may be useful, but I think it may be important for these advanced UI features to not add bloat nor slow down the Android UI and they should I think only appear as an option for advanced users and for advanced usage. As ARM Processors performance increases, and number of cores increase, being able to do these types of simultaneous multi-tasking user interfaces may be the best or only way to really use the performance that is available with these new ARM processors on Android.
The Rockchip device maker CHUWI already has released a device with this new multi-window UI pre-installed and activated by default, here is their press release: