Category: Exclusive videos

Google Nexus One at CES 2010

Posted by – January 6, 2010

Here it is! The first ARM Powered hardware sold by Google directly at

It’s $529 unlocked for now. Please comment here if you think that I should buy one or wait for those Android phones to be available for less than $200 unlocked as I speculated that the price could have been for this device.

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Lenovo Skylight at CES 2010

Posted by – January 6, 2010

Here is Lenovo’s first ARM Powered laptop, it looks really awesome, I will film more of its Interface, software and features during the next few days. So check back! If you have some specific features you would like me to test on this ARM Powered laptop, please post in the forum comments thread for this video.

Lenovo’s official marketing video:

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Marvell Armada 510 based 12.1″ ARM Powered laptop

Posted by – January 6, 2010

Here is Marvell Armada 510 1.2GHz powered laptop that is capable of 1080p video playback. I will film it more in detail showing the status of the Ubuntu Linux implementation, show the performance of the web browser and more features of this laptop during the next few days.

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Saygus Vphone

Posted by – January 6, 2010

Here is the first Marvell PXA 310 based Android smart phone released to the market.

You can find the specs at

USB 3.0 superspeed

Posted by – January 6, 2010

The USB Implementers Forum are showing new USB 3.0 devices.

Lexmark Interact S605 and Lexmark Platinum Pro905 touch screen printers

Posted by – January 6, 2010

Lexmark are using embedded Linux, 4.3″ capacitative touch screens, WiFi and Ethernet Internet connections directly to the printer in combination with their Flash Lite based applications and features, one can automatically print things from the Internet.

Information about the Lexmark Interact S605:

Information about the Lexmark Platinum Pro905:

Asus Chairman Jonney Shih talks about the Asus ARM based Smartbooks in the works

Posted by – January 6, 2010

Basically, he says Asus are working on ARM Powered laptops, they are just not going to show them yet. I asked him off camera afterwards if the EeePad Asus Tablet rumor was for real and if Asus was working on any Android devices, he said they were working on it but not showing anything for now.

Asus Chairman Jonney Shih talks about Linux, Android, Chrome OS on laptops

Posted by – January 6, 2010

Basically, he is saying that Asus prefers to use Windows only for now.

PicoChip Provision Fem2cell technology

Posted by – January 6, 2010

Fem2cells can help create better wireless broadband networks based on 3G and White Spaces technologies. PicoChip Provision provides the chip that powers most Fem2cells in the world.

PsiXpda Intel based MID at LeWeb 2009 conference in Paris

Posted by – December 12, 2009

This is a video of the Psixpda Intel atom based UMPC. at LeWeb 2009 conference in Paris

Posted by – December 12, 2009 is one of the startups shown.

Danish startup

Posted by – December 12, 2009

Danish Startup Get In does football statistics in real-time, also patented real-time football betting systems. It calculates sports results based on historical results.

Posted by – December 12, 2009

Sokoz is a real-time reverse auction startup.

Ribbit VOIP explained by Kevin Marks and JP Rangaswami of British Telecom

Posted by – December 12, 2009

Kevin Marks and JP Rangaswami are introducing Ribbit VOIP platform and APIs that gives independent developers, ISVs, and global enterprises the tools and functionality to create new ways to communicate-with people, businesses, and software. Ribbit enables developers to combine the richness of voice calling with the interactivity of Web 2.0 experiences. More info at

I also ask them about how they think the telecom industry is reacting to VOIP as a threat to existing revenues and as an opportunity for creating new experiences around voice communications.

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PeekFON Martin Varsavsky Interview

Posted by – December 12, 2009

Martin Varsavsky is the CEO and Founder of FON and of about a dozen or more other companies at

In this interview, I ask him not only about his cool new PeekFON device with Free PanEuropean GPRS Roaming, also about the current and future plans for FON WiFi roaming for the world, about firmware updates for Fonera 2.0n that I reviewed here, how we could expect more roaming agreements to be added with more ISPs in the future to create one big worldwide standard for WiFi authentication and roaming, Fem2Cell technology in upcoming Fem2Fonera and even prospects for White Spaces, WiMax and 4G technology in FON routers.

Tabbee Tablet at LeWeb conference in Paris

Posted by – December 12, 2009

Tabbee is a 7″ ARM powered tablet manufactured by French company Sagem and for now only available in France, distributed by Orange and available in retail stores for 249€. It is Linux based and runs Widgets and an Opera browser.

Nokia N900 at LeWeb conference in Paris

Posted by – December 12, 2009

Nokia N900 is Nokia’s first 3G-connected 3.5″ high density WVGA Maemo tablet phone device.

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Seesmic on the Archos 5 Internet Tablet with Android

Posted by – December 9, 2009

Here is a demonstration at LeWeb conference in Paris of the Seesmic application for Android running on the Archos 5 Internet Tablet with Android, the worlds first Android Tablet with a 800×480 medium density 4.8″ touch screen and even with a 720p HDMI output. This video was filmed by John Yamasaki @jyamasaki of Seesmic using the Flip HD.

Sugar on a Stick Blueberry v2 introduced by Walter Bender of Sugar Labs

Posted by – December 9, 2009

This is a video-interview with Walter Bender of Sugar Labs at Netbook World Summit in Paris. Sugar is the Gnu/Linux based OS running in over 1.5 million OLPC XO-1 laptops used by Children around the world. It is the Linux distribution that popularized Linux on Laptop form factors. As I wrote in the OLPC project has greatly influenced the whole PC/Laptop industry, and with more optimized and streamlined Linux implementations like this new Sugar Linux OS, the influence is only going to be even greater.

Blumpit is a new touch screen tablet user interface for web contents and web browsing

Posted by – December 9, 2009

Blumpit works as a Firefox plugin and could soon also work as a Chrome Browser extension, to provide a bunch of user interface options on top of the browser and on top of any OS be it Windows, Linux or Mac. It could also work on cheap ARM powered laptops runing any type of Linux that can run a compatible Firefox or Chrome Browser with plugins or extensions support. Installing the Blump’it features is just a one-click process.