Category: Exclusive videos

BeeFM social music sharing at Next Berlin

Posted by – May 10, 2012

Install this app on your Facebook and it’ll generate playlists of YouTube videos based on all the music video shares that your friends have posted to your news feed. Thus you can just check it once in a while to get a compilation of the coolest music your friends have shared with you.

Festo Robot Arms at Next Berlin

Posted by – May 8, 2012

Check out these robot arms.

Alexander Bard, History, Sociology of Tech at Next Berlin

Posted by – May 8, 2012

Including his keynote below.

The Shenzhen Speakers Factory

Posted by – April 23, 2012

Is this my best video yet? This is a same factory that is soon going to switch to assembling MediaTek MT6575 Android Ice Cream Sandwich phones. I hereby offer you an exclusive look inside the assembly line, see the people that build your speakers in Shenzhen China.

In the part 1 of this Shenzhen Factory Tour, I enter the Shenzhen Factory, walk around the lobby and meeting rooms before walking over to a part of the assembly line.

$49 Boxchip A10 7″ resistive tablet available now

Posted by – April 23, 2012

You can buy this tablet for $49 each at retail in Shenzhen, but it’s with a resistive dual-touch screen at that price. If you wait a month or two, the capacitive Boxchip A13 tablets will be at the same price or even lower.

Views of Hong Kong at night

Posted by – April 23, 2012

Thus far I posted over 120 videos from my 2 weeks of video-blogging at the Electronics fairs in Hong Kong, Shenzhen and Guangzhou China. Check back for more news coming up!

There are lots of boats in Hong Kong. Here we’re on one that goes from the HKTDC Electronics Fair on Hong Kong Island to Tsim Sha Shui where there are more choices for restaurants.

ICS on 5″ MediaTek MT6575 Dolphin A80 phone

Posted by – April 23, 2012

I run the Antutu and Quadrant benchmarks (comparing those with my OMAP4460 Galaxy Nexus) on this 5″ MT6575 Android phone that has just gotten the latest beta Android 4 ICS firmware loaded onto it in Shenzhen China. This prototype is just pre-mass production, and the ICS software for the MediaTek MT6575 is beta for testing. Mass production and full production software may be ready by the end of this month. Check back later for more news on this phone and on the performance of ICS on MT6575 devices as I expect to have this and other MT6575 samples to do reviews of the latest MediaTek ICS performance. is selling this phone for sub-$150 when bought in bulk. The MT6575 single-core ARM Cortex-A9 with ICS support is bringing quite good performance to the cheap new Android phones coming out of China.

Fun things at the Shenzhen Electronics Fair

Posted by – April 23, 2012

Here are some examples of some of the fun things at the Shenzhen Electronics Fair.

Yamay shows Android tablets

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Long Teng Jie shows tablets and smartphones at the China Sourcing Fair

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iPhone4-clones on Qualcomm MSM7227 for around $100 in Shenzhen China

Posted by – April 23, 2012

Bill from presents an example of the approx $100 iPhone4-clones being sold in China. They run on the Qualcomm MSM7227 processor platform, providing unlocked WCDMA 3G support. China also has more and more original devices such as the ZTE Blade being sold even less money unlocked with perfectly good capacitive screen and a smooth Android experience.

Shenzhen Sharing Technology shows phones and tablets at the HKTDC Electronics Fair

They are showing some 3.5″, 5″ MediaTek MT6573 phones and tablets.

Pipo shows 10.1″ and 9.7″ RK3066 Dual-core ARM Cortex-A9 tablets at the HKTDC Electronics Fair

Posted by – April 23, 2012

Pipo is showing some of their newest Rockchip RK3066 Dual-core ARM Cortex-A9 based devices, that are coming to increase the performance of the low-cost tablets coming out of China.

Begin shows Phones and Tablets at the Canton Fair

Posted by – April 23, 2012

Showing some MT6573 based phones.

Sowill Technology Park shows Freescale and AmLogic tablet designs

Posted by – April 23, 2012

Out of the Shenzhen University, they are showing some tablet designs based on the Freescale and AmLogic processors. shows Boxchip A10 7″, 8″, 9.7″ tablets at the HKTDC Electronics Fair

Posted by – April 23, 2012

They are showing a range of their latest 7″ $66, 9.7″ $138 and other tablets mostly based on the Boxchip A10 processor.

iPega 2.4Ghz wireless speaker system and charger for Android, iPhone and the PS Vita

Posted by – April 23, 2012

Pega HK Limited shows their new wireless speaker system that works with MHL Android devices, iPhones and the PS Vita.

Zealio Electronics Co Ltd shows iPhone and iPad power adapter

Posted by – April 23, 2012

They claim their USB power adapter provides enough power to charge the iPhone and the iPad at the same time. Outputting 3.5A on one USB and 2A on the other. I wonder if it’s a mess all the different power charging of USB cables, that some USB power sources output more power than others, that some USB cables transport more power than others, and that new USB charging devices such as the new iPad having such huge batteries that take over 10 hours to fully recharge over a normal USB cable, but which may or may not charge faster when using a more powerful USB power source and USB cable.

Nordic Enterprises onanoff iPhone/iPad accessories at the HKTDC Electronics Fair

Posted by – April 23, 2012

Here are some interesting iPhone and iPad accessories show by including a leather case with a built-in speaker and stand.

$140 5.2″ MT6575 Android phone by Daza Electronics at the HKTDC Electronics Fair

This is the new 5.2″ MT6575 Android smartphone design, it can soon support Android 4.0. It costs $140 when bought in bulk.

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