Category: Exclusive videos

Samsung Wide IO Memory Interface for the faster and lower power ARM Processors of the future

Posted by – November 21, 2013

Memory bandwidth is one of the most important features in an SoC to get performance. Here presenting Samsung’s new memory architecture, possibly (my guess) to be used in Exynos6 (64bit) possibly at 20nm or perhaps even 14nm even, Samsung talks about their upcoming Wide-IO faster Memory Interface architecture for future ARM Processors to input and output much faster memory bandwidth. To run the same workload, it can use 60-70% less power of the memory plus memory interface power within the SoC, which is a large part of the power consumption within an ARM SoC, Samsung is ready with the technology. The business is about the timing, they are aiming for the best timing to introduce this technology. Provides for example 17gbit/s memory bandwidth, allowing to increase memory bandwidth possibly above 100gbit/s, to be confirmed as better technology is implemented. The history of LP-DDR is to increase the frequency to increase memory bandwidth, but with Samsung’s Wide-IO memory design, they can increase the memory lines instead and thus achieve much better memory bandwidth, possibly running 2-3x faster memory bandwidth at the same frequency, perhaps something like 50gbit/s easily. The demand for the memory bandwidth for smartphone devices will surpass memory bandwidth for the traditional desktop PC.

Samsung Exynos5420 HMP big.LITTLE demo

Posted by – November 21, 2013

Samsung shows HMP big.LITTLE mode working on the Exynos5420, Heterogeneous Multi Processing means that you can manage the 8 big.LITTLE cores independently and use them all at the same time. Showing HMP mode achieving a higher benchmark result over IKS process switching mode on the same CPU and on the same exact tablet hardware. Even being able to do full Octa Core Exynos5420 CPU and the full 6-core Mali-T628 GPU performance using renderscript at the same time heterogeneously achieving the maximum performance and at the same time also improving battery life when doing the same task. Showing here some advanced photo editing app using renderscript to optimize performance of that type of app.

Shenzhen Gifts Fair, Elephants, Horses, Everything..

Posted by – November 21, 2013

Filmed at the Shenzhen China Gift Fair. A 25-minute tour showing some of the interesting Gifts you may give people for Christmas this year, or next. All including my real-time commentary.

faytech touchscreen factory tour

Watch as Arne Weber, the General Manager of faytech ltd. conducts a 48-minute tour of his factory based in Shenzhen China. Having been in the Touchscreen business in Germany for many years, Arne and his Chinese wife Fan relocated to China 2008, opened a factory and began to manufacture their own proprietary designs of Touchscreen Monitors and Touchscreen PCs in March of 2010. The business has grown substantially since its inception, and now occupies over 15,000 square feet in the Hongmen Technology Park, in Shenzhen. With a staff of over 70 people, faytech has in-house engineering and product design capabilities and manufactures faytech branded products that are sold in countries around the world. In 2013 faytech was awarded an ISO 9001:2008 certification for meeting internationally set standards for their manufacturing operation. Known for their unique designs, and excellent craftsmanship, German engineering, Asian manufacturing, and global service has become the trademark of this up and coming company in the touchscreen industry. faytech now has sales, distribution, and service in Germany, China, and in the USA. Fan, Arne and their team are very proud of their continuing development of unique and interesting products. faytech products are being used by some of the largest companies in Europe including Siemens, Bosch, and Continental, used in NYC during Fashion Week and at the world famous Madison Square Garden, in US based car washes, Brazilian and Tunisian police cars, trains in Spain, earth moving equipment in Africa, on fitness equipment in Germany, and many other international programs.

Contact this industrial touchscreen solution supplier:
faytech Co., Ltd.
Fl. 4, Bldg. C, Second Phase,
Hongmen Tech. Zone,
Shangxue Duan, Jihua Rd.,
Longgang, Shenzhen
Tel: +86 (0) 755 89580612

AAEON CRS-200S-2R 48TB Calxeda ARM Cortex-A15 Powered Storage Server Board Solution

Posted by – November 18, 2013

The AAEON CRS-200S-2R is the first ARM-based storage solution for the company’s Poseidon family of rackmount products targeted to serve the needs of cloud computing, high-density storage appliances and IP surveillance applications. The 1U AAEON CRS-200S-2R system is equipped with 12 3.5-insh SATA drives (other device options available) supported by three (3) Calxeda EnergyCore ECX-2000 series SoCs (Server-on-chips) that use the ARM Cortex-A15 quad-core processors. Storage solutions that need high performance without the often-obligatory high power consumption, the AAEON CRS-200S-2R is a viable candidate for use. Power Consumption including all 12 3.5″ 3/4TB hard drives is 150W vs 250W for a x86 storage server solution doing just about the same.

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ChallengePost Hackathon Software Competition Platform

Posted by – November 12, 2013

ChallengePost is a hackathon platform for software competitions, here used by Samsung. The ChallengePost platform powers both global and personal software competitions. The software competitions take software development to the next level and enable the full development of software. In some cases Samsung buys up what the developers create.

Airbnb Interview, Joe Gebbia, Co-Founder and Chief Product Officer, Airbnb

Posted by – November 10, 2013

Airbnb is amazing. 500 thousand hosts are sharing their apartments, rooms, houses with possibly (my guess) ten of millions of guests already booking accommodations on Airbnb. If (my estimation) a third of these Airbnb accommodations are currently booked at an average of $50/night, that means perhaps $8.3 Million in revenues on Airbnb every day for hosts, of which Airbnb may be drawing $1.25 Million for it’s “Service Fees”, which may mostly be profits at this point. I may be underestimating this thing. Airbnb may be generating $15 Million in daily sales with more than $2 Million nearly pure profits for Airbnb daily, a current $730 Million profit per year. Of course Airbnb has a lot of employees already, and they spend money on Host Insurance, R&D and Marketing. Yet it’s pretty clear that Airbnb is a very profitable business. The question is how much is Airbnb worth now? At the Gigaom Roadmap conference, a guestimated valuation of $12.5 Billion was mentioned on stage by the interviewer. I ask Joe Gebbia jokingly at the end of the video if Google is going to acquire Airbnb. I don’t really mean it jokingly, I would like to see Google acquire Airbnb. And then properly guide it towards the total revolution of rental for people’s spaces worldwide, preferably with a smaller than 15% “Service Fee” on each booking and perhaps more trusted rankings and bookings system. The problem might be that Airbnb already is too expensive and that Google may not want to spend above the price of a Motorola on acquiring it at this point. What’s your experience with Airbnb? I’m posting this video from an Airbnb apartment, after having just spent about a month in several different Airbnb apartments on different continents and I know people who quit their jobs after becoming Airbnb hosts, it really is amazing.

Here are some feature requests that I have (and just made up) for Airbnb:

– $100 or $200 per year, heavy users of Airbnb should become Airbnb Gold Members, and should be able to do unlimited bookings with $0 or a much lower Service Fee than 12%.
– Airbnb Gold Members can get prioritized service, access to special deals on new listings automatically.
– Airbnb Gold Members should get access to “Sort by price” especially showing new listings exclusively.
– Sale of Bluetooth 4.0 Automatic Door Locks, Airbnb should even provide installation services for these types of locks and fully integrate it with Airbnb. New guest just clicks on Airbnb App to open the door using the web/BT4.
– Somehow rental of Smartphones or SIM Cards in every country. Perhaps Airbnb needs to buy an automatic vending machine for those in every airport. When guests arrive, they need to get connected to the web on their smartphone easily.
– Cleaning, key swap services provided and organized by Airbnb.
– Of course Political clarification legalizing the use of Airbnb for owners and renters alike throughout the world. Airbnb needs to campaign with politicians to make this legally clear worldwide.
– Combine with social network of cooks and high quality food delivery into each Airbnb accomodation. You click a button and you can get delicious healthy food delivered for cheap from local talented cooks. For example $8 and you get a delicious meal delivered to your Airbnb door in 30 minutes somehow.
– Organize sport activities around each Airbnb listing. Integrate the booking of Badminton, Tennis, Squash courts, compete with other Airbnb guests or locals automatically. Thus integration with bookings for sports, theatre, cinema, everything can get integrated into one seamless travel experience. This is kind of why I expect Google is thinking to acquire Airbnb regardless of how expensive it may be.

Interview from Gigaom Roadmap (about 10 minutes before I filmed this short Interview):

Samsung Galaxy Gear and Samsung Galaxy Note3 launched in the USA

Posted by – November 10, 2013

Samsung Mobile USA Marketing Manager presents the latest Samsung Galaxy Gear and Samsung Galaxy Note3 just released on all 4 major carriers in the USA.

LSI Axxia 5500 16-core ARM Cortex-A15

Posted by – November 10, 2013

LSI shows their 16-core ARM Cortex-A15 at ARM Techcon 2013, for networking, storage equipment, base stations and more. The LSI Axxia 5500 product family of communication processors designed to accelerate performance and increase power efficiency for multi-radio base stations and 4G/LTE-capable wireless networks. The LSI Axxia 5500 product family is first to combine 16 ARM cores with LSI specialized networking accelerators to optimize performance and power efficiency. LSI will also use ARM Cortex-A57 ARMv8 64bit in the future.

Samsung MultiScreen SDK launch November 12th 2013

Posted by – November 10, 2013

Juan Pablo Gnecco of Samsung presents the new Samsung MultiScreen SDK with new set of APIs for apps to support Multiple screens, providing Chromecast like features, providing features for interaction on top of live TV images, so you will be able to do a new bunch of features, all 2014 Samsung TVs will have this pre-installed and 2013 Samsung TVs will have this support through a software update.

AnswerTo online marketplace for coding questions and answers

Posted by – November 10, 2013
Category: Web, Exclusive videos, SDC

AnswerTo is a paid version of Stack Overflow or Quora. This startup with Indiegogo launch campaign wants to be an expert marketplace for social coding offered on a pay-per-question basis, read more:

Introduction to Fraunhofer with HP Baumeister

Posted by – November 9, 2013

Fraunhofer is a large non-profit organization with 22 thousand employees at 60 institutes mostly in Germany doing applied research and development. “You name it, Fraunhofer probably does it”. In San Jose, Fraunhofer has an office catering to the Silicon Valley companies like Google, Apple etc. For example, they open sourced AAC into Android, enabling Jelly Bean and higher to have the highest audio quality at the lowest bitrate. And for example AAC-ELD is in Apple FaceTime for low latency real-time audio (and/or video) communications.

Android 4.4 Linaro on Galaxy Nexus

Posted by – November 5, 2013

Bernhard Rosenkränzer, Linaro Android Builds and Baselines Engineer, presents Android 4.4 running on the Galaxy Nexus from his house in the mountains of Switzerland. Once the code is made available at, this will be a chance for people who can’t get the Nexus 5 to try out Android 4.4.

Previous Android 4.4 at Linaro videos:
Android 4.4 KitKat release impressions at Linaro Connect 2013
Linaro developer talks Android 4.4 in front of the KitKat statue at Android Google Headquarters in Mountain View California
Android 4.4 KitKat release first impressions by Bernhard Rosenkränzer (Linaro Android developer)

ARM CEO Simon Segars at ARM Techcon 2013

Posted by – November 3, 2013

ARM CEO talks about some of the things he does as CEO of ARM, spending a lot of time talking to people about what they are doing, and then going back to the office to make sure ARM is doing the right thing to support it all. The ARM ecosystem is growing. The breadth of end markets ARM is being designed into is increasing. After powering virtually every mobile device on the planet, ARM is getting into Servers and also looking into the Internet of Things, which is a very different computing problem. It’s still about getting the right amount of compute power, making it as low power as possible, as small and as low cost as possible.

Understand ARM big.LITTLE with Brian Jeff, Product Manager, Roadmap

Posted by – November 3, 2013

Watch this overview of latest the ARM Technology with Brian Jeff, Product Manager at ARM. He talks about big.LITTLE, ARM Cortex-A series, 64bit, latest Mali Graphics implementations and more. Nearly a dozen designs are about to go through with big.LITTLE, it’s ready on production chips, shipping in devices on the market, and the new version of the software will make it into devices next year.

Rick Merritt, Silicon Valley Bureau Chief EETimes

Posted by – November 3, 2013

Rick Merritt provides an overview of the ARM Techcon 2013, talking about some of the latest stories published in EETimes, talking about some of his stories written from the ARM Techcon, talking about some of the highlights at ARM Techcon and in General Technology.

Calypto high-level synthesis, RTL power optimization and functional verification

Posted by – November 3, 2013

Calypto Design Systems family of products enables ASIC, SOC and FPGA designers to quickly create fully-verified, power-optimized RTL for downstream synthesis and physical design. With Calypto’s Catapult High-Level Synthesis products, designers have the option of using SystemC or C++ to dramatically shorten the design cycle by producing correct-by-construction, error-free, PPA optimized RTL. Calypto’s PowerPro product line enables users to analyze both static and dynamic power usage at RTL and either automatically or manually create a power optimized RTL that includes memory and leakage power optimization. The SLEC family of products formally verifies the complete RTL without the need for time consuming simulation and complex testbenches. The end result is dramatic reduction in time to market with up to 60% reduction in power usage.

Contact Calypto:
Mathilde Karsenti
Marketing Programs Manager | Calypto Design Systems
1731 Technology Drive, Suite 340, San Jose, CA 95110
c: 503.970.7410

Stuart Clubb
US FAE Manager | Calypto Design Systems
8005 SW Boeckman Rd, Wilsonville, OR 97070
w: 503.685.1859 | f: 503.685.7832 | c: 503.701.6915 |

Rob Eccles
Field Applications Engineer| Calypto Design Systems
1731 Technology Drive, Suite 340, San Jose, CA 95110
w: 408.477.8170

ARM shows the Internet of Things and MBED at ARM Techcon 2013

Posted by – November 3, 2013

The mbed development platform is the fastest way to create Internet of Things devices based on ARM microcontrollers. Anyone with an idea, can rapidly prototype devices using it, connect the idea to the cloud, form a proof of concept that can get the idea funded, demonstrate to the boss that the idea can fly.

Linaro developer talks Android 4.4 in front of the KitKat statue at Android Google Headquarters in Mountain View California

Posted by – November 2, 2013

Linaro Android developer Bernhard Rosenkränzer talks about KitKat, talks about the Linaro Connect and talks about the plans for Linaro on Android in the future.

Android 4.4 KitKat release impressions at Linaro Connect 2013

Posted by – November 1, 2013

After the first night of hacking the source code, the Linaro Android Team featuring Khasim Syed Mohammed and Bernhard Rosenkränzer talk about ART replacing Dalvik VM, better memory management, support for new sensors, Browser being replaced with Chromium, WiFi Printing support, NFC smartcard emulation and more!