Category: Exclusive videos

Candlelight OLED (Blue hazardous free) by the National TsingHua University

Posted by – July 19, 2017

Deepak Kumar Dubey, Research scholar at the Nano Organic Photonics Devices Lab, Dept. of Material Science & Engineering at the National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan presents their Blue hazardous free Candle light-style organic light emitting diode based lamp. Increasing studies report that blue light to possess a potential hazard to the retina of human eyes, secretion of melatonin and artworks. To devise a human and artwork-friendly light source and to also trigger a “Lighting Renaissance”, they demonstrate here how to enable a quality, blue-hazard free general lighting source on basis of low color-temperature organic light emitting diodes. This blue-hazard free candlelight OLED desk lamp (2,000K) is made by the collaborative effort of National Tsing Hua University and WiseChip Semiconductor Inc. It is presumably 20 times safer in terms of retinal protection and 10 times better for melatonin generation as compared with the 5000K blue light-enriched white light. It is friendly to human eyes, physiologies, artifacts, ecosystems, the environment, and night skies, besides being free from UV, flickering and glare etc.

Holographic Thermal Floating Image by Yamamoto University

Posted by – July 18, 2017

Floating image displays can provide a tactile response in the form temperature transmission. For example an image of a fire can make you feel heat while an image of a snowflake provides a cold feeling. Infinity mirror air provides project light source vertically and horizontally using a small strip of light. Yamamoto university also has technology for projecting 3D objects into its hologram. Filmed at the I-Zone New Ideas and Startup area at the SID Display Week.

LLvision OLED Smart Glass

Posted by – July 18, 2017

LLvision smartglasses are smart glasses that use OLED display technology and feature a 20 degree field of view. Smartglasses are often used for enhanced or augmented reality such as games of information of nearby businesses. Filmed at the I-Zone of the SID Display Week.

7000 Nits Display by Lincoln Technology

Posted by – July 18, 2017

Lincoln Technology has the brightest display in the world at 7000 nits. 7000 nits is possible, but isn’t always necessary. Brighter displays are better for digital signage, general visibility and outdoor usage. Filmed at the SID Display Week.

Guardian Industries Silver Touch Film for Transparent Vending Machine display

Posted by – July 15, 2017

Touchscreen film technology from Synaptics and Guardian industries enables more transparent and responsive displays. Using a continuous silver film makes the glass of the display more visible and makes it easier to see objects. One potential application  is vending machines. Filmed at the SID Display Week.

China Chapter of SID with Dr. Frank Yan at SID Display Week 2017

Posted by – July 12, 2017

SID Head of Marketing Sri Peruvemba interviews Dr. Qun (Frank) Yan at Display Week 2017 in Los Angeles. Dr. Yan heads up the China Chapter of SID, one of the fastest growing SID chapters worldwide. Dr. Yan has been very active in SID for many years. He currently serves as committee chair of the Display Technology Training School at SID and has also served since 2009 on the SID Symposium Program Committee. Currently, he is the chief scientist of Changhong Electric Group, one of the largest consumer electronics conglomerates in China. Filmed at the SID Display Week.

eMagin CEO Andrew Sculley, OLED microdisplays for next gen Consumer VR HMDs

Posted by – July 12, 2017

eMagin Corporation is the first and leading manufacturer of the world’s brightest active matrix OLED-on-silicon microdisplays. eMagin serves a variety of industries and has developed OLED microdisplay technology that enables next generation Consumer VR HMDs, First Responder applications including search and rescue and firefighting, Commercial products including medical imaging devices and Military products supporting ground soldiers, 3D simulation and training, aviation, etc. eMagin was founded in 1996 and has been a leader in advancing OLED microdisplay technology. Their latest breakthroughs include; 2K x 2K microdisplay first demonstrated in 2015 and Direct Patterned Displays with brightness exceeding 4000 nits. Filmed at the SID Display Week.

LG Display shows 8K 31.5″, Wallpaper OLED, pOLED, Transparent OLED, 4K bezel-less and more

LG shows their ultra-thin 77” OLED wallpaper display, the thinnest in the world, displays with speakers built-in, and other leading display technology such as the LG Mobile and VR displays such as a bezel-less 5.5″ 4K smartphone display, Plastic Flexible or Conformed OLED displays for upcoming Flexible Smartphones, 31.5″ 4K HDR narrow bezel PC Monitor, 10bit Curved 37.5″ WQHD+ display, 14″ 4K for the laptop market, 31.5″ 8K Display, in-touch systems on 14″, 15″, 23.8″ laptop displays for the 2-in-1 market. LG also shows some automotive displays such as a conformed 12.3″ plastic OLED display, 12.3″ 60% Transparent OLED for the automobile HUD market, LCD and OLED display as a hybrid 12.3 MLD where LCD can be the background and the OLED can show the needle. A 6.13″ mirror display. They also show a 55″ FHD 40% Transparent OLED Display. Filmed at SID Display Week.

Henkel Stretchable electronic materials used to make formable, non-flat circuits

Posted by – July 8, 2017

Henkel AG & Company, KGaA, is a German chemical and consumer goods company headquartered in Düsseldorf, Germany. It is a multinational company active both in the consumer and industrial sector. Founded in 1876, the DAX 30 company is organized into three globally operating business units (laundry & home care, beauty care, adhesive technologies) and is known for brands such as Loctite, Persil, and Fa amongst others. In the fiscal year 2016, Henkel reported sales of 18.7 billion euros and an operating profit of 3.172 billion euros. More than 80 percent of its 51,350 employees work outside of Germany. Filmed at the IDTechEx Show!

Libralato rotary engine for hybrid vehicles

Posted by – July 8, 2017

Libralato hybrid engine is a new kind of rotary engine with a new thermodynamic cycle. The engine was first concept tested in 2011, followed by more rigorous proof of concept testing and analysis in 2014, which indicated that its revolutionary 9-phase cycle is effective and is capable of exceptionally high efficiency and low emissions. Libralato claims that their engine might be the most efficient compact engine in the world; at least as efficient as a diesel engine (c.40%) using gasoline but half the size and weight. Filmed at the Show!

Playtronica, play music with fruits, cats and anything

Posted by – July 8, 2017

Playtronica is an open-source toolkit for creating immersive sensory interactions interactive musical experiences. Touchme and Playtron are devices that transform human touch into midi notes. Work with any conductive material, vegetables, cats and humans. Sounds are generated by Playtronica’s web sampler or any other online midi synth. Filmed at the IDTechEx Show!

You can watch some musical sessions played using the Playtronica here, here and here.

Doppel Rhythmic pulse wrist wearable to stay calm and focused

Posted by – July 8, 2017

Doppel creates a rhythmic pulse that you feel on the inside of your wrist as a heartbeat like vibration. We do not simply perceive this rhythm, but we entrain to it – a faster rhythm makes us feel more alert, and a slower one calms us down. The effect is similar to listening to upbeat or slower music. But with doppel, there’s no noise and no distraction. Filmed at the IDTechEx Show!

Heidi Dohse, DTI Holdings

Posted by – July 7, 2017

Heidi Dohse served as one of the panelists for the inaugural Women in Tech Forum at SID Display Week. DTI (Disruptive Technology Innovations) Holdings Inc., is pioneering graphene-enabled scientific application and technology innovation development. DTI has developed and is commercializing life-enhancing products enabling global healthcare delivery, clean transportation and energy, and sustainable food and water production. As the EVP of DTI Health, Heidi Dohse is leading DTI’s Health and Life Sciences implementation strategy to deliver accessible and affordable healthcare globally. Prior to DTI, Heidi Dohse was a Senior Program Manager in charge of the Google Platform Cloud at Google. Her expertise in wearable devices and applications is part of a personal, lifelong quest as heart patient to overcome heart disease. She has served as a product developer, technologist and consultant for leading medical device companies and has helped develop emergency services applications and software. Ms. Dohse holds an Executive Degree from Harvard Medical School, as well as a Bachelor of Arts degree in art. She is also the founder of Tour de Heart, a virtual charity ride that provides hope and inspiration to heart patients and caregivers. You can watch my previous videos with Heidi Dhose here, here and here.

Candice H. Brown Elliott, CEO Nouvoyance

Posted by – July 7, 2017

Candice Brown Elliott is the Founder and CEO of Nouvoyance Inc., and an internationally recognized leader, entrepreneur, executive, and technologist/inventor in the flat panel display and microelectronic industries with more than 100 U.S. patents. Her 40-year professional career includes key engineering and managerial posts in leading semiconductor firms as well as start-up ventures; and she has founded several technology companies and led industry research consortia programs. She was awarded the Otto Schade Prize in 2014 for her work in developing PenTile subpixel rendering technology for high-resolution color displays. She is also a prolific writer. Ms. Elliott holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Physics and Psychology from the University of the State of New York. Filmed at the SID Display Week.

Laura Rea, United States Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL)

Posted by – July 7, 2017

Laura Rea is a senior Technology Program Manager for the United States Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) Soft Matter Materials Branch. Her current area of responsibility includes development of materials and processes for sensors and components suitable for use in human performance monitoring, supporting enhanced autonomy in military systems. She has been a military technologist for more than 30 years, including a one year detail as a staff member in the Office of the Secretary of Defense, Director of Defense Research and Engineering. She holds Master’s degree in materials science as well as a Bachelor of Science degree in materials engineering. Filmed at the SID Display Week.

Visionox CEO Dr. Zang Interview at SID Display Week 2017

Posted by – July 7, 2017

Interview with Dr. Zang, CEO of Visionox which specializes in OLED research and development, sales and marketing. Filmed at SID Display Week.

faytech at Computex 2017

Posted by – July 6, 2017

Latest projects and products at faytech booth at Computex, presented by Serena, Andy and Johanna of faytech. Including the 11.6” Butterfly MX device, one of their projects that focuses on residence management using an app, they have made a video about it working well outdoors in the rain, their 42” Capacitive Touch PC embedded in a mirror designed for retail applications, such as shopping malls, shops, restaurants etc. Right after that, the 84” 4K Capacitive Touch Monitor with optical bonding. Then Serena shows several standard products which earn the reputation for faytech. As well as one of major improvements in this year- capacitive touch panel which is compatible with glove and stylus. At last, Johanna shows me their successful project applied to the Indian public transportation system.

You can find more information about some of the devices showed in the video here:
(0:40) The Butterfly MX and other projects
(2:20) 84” 4K Capacitive Touch Monitor (Optically bonded) and on YouTube
(3:30) 15” IP65 Touch Monitor (used at car wash channel in the US)
(5:06) 10” Resistive touch PC
(8:24) 21.5” Capacitive Touch PC (with stylus and glove) and on YouTube

VTree Solar Tree for squares and parks with WiFi and phone charging

Posted by – July 3, 2017

VTree is Creating Smart Cities building a solar future based on three powerful concepts: solar energy, internet and great design. Focused on solar powered, Smart Street Furniture, VTREE has bases in Sao Paulo, Bucharest and Lisbon and was born of online collaboration within this triangle. Their flagship product, the Fractal VTREE aims to activate brands and public initiatives through a tree-shaped solar powered meeting point with wi-fi, charging station for scooters and mobile phones and touch screen interaction. The tree is also capable of tracking human behaviour within a 250m radius of any network point, produce heatmaps and other data analysis whilst allows clients to engage with users in real time in many different ways. Filmed at the IDTechEx Show!

PrintoCent printed flexible lighting

Posted by – July 3, 2017

PrintoCent Innovation Center commercializes the research results of Printed Intelligence and Optical Measurements. Application focus areas in PrintoCent range from rapid disposable diagnostics, smart flexible lighting and wearables to Internet-of-Things with sensors and energy harvesting. With the multitude of possibilities there are great opportunities to new type of products and to disrupt existing value chains in all industries. Filmed at the IDTechEx Show!

Cynoware POS are Android ARM Powered

Posted by – July 3, 2017

Cynoware is a producer of Android ARM Powered point of sale and cash register devices. By using Android on cost effective ARM systems they are able to offer cloud integration features which offers value for stores and businesses that use point of sale. Cynoware offers many sizes and form factors from 9.7″, 10.1″, 14″ as well as a dual screen system.