Category: Exclusive videos

Marcel Kampman on the future of schools at Lift 2012

Posted by – February 24, 2012

Marcel Kampman launched Project Dream School to gather ideas for how to revolutionize schools worldwide.

Next Berlin conference (May 8-9th 2012)

Posted by – February 23, 2012

NEXT is a tech conference in Berlin on May 8-9th 2012.

Voltitude Folding Electric Bicycle at Lift 2012

Posted by – February 23, 2012

Voltitude is a foldable electric bicycle. Available from March 2012 for about 5000 Swiss Francs, range is 35 kilometers, weight is about 20kg.

Swisscom Labs at Lift 2012

Posted by – February 23, 2012

Swisscom is the biggest telecom company in Switzerland, they have launched where any user can submit ideas for what they think Swisscom should do and then Swisscom can fund those and make those ideas happen.

University of Art and Design in Geneva at Lift 2012

Posted by – February 23, 2012

Students from HEAD show some of their technological designs at Lift12 in Geneva.

Frog Design enhances social networking at conferences

Posted by – February 23, 2012

People can scan the QR code on their badge, then walk in front of a Kinect and projector and it can display overlay information on top of people and they can connect and tweet by simply standing close to each other.

ZMS inZair, free messaging on WiFi and Data networks

Posted by – February 23, 2012

inZair ZMS is being demonstrated at Lift12 in Geneva, can be used for free instant messaging and also provides social networking, localization layers are more.

Sennheiser Innovation Office mega-trends at Lift 2012

Posted by – February 23, 2012

Sennheiser has an advanced research and design center in Zurich Switzerland, they are working on implementing future trends for what Sennheiser might do in 5-10 years.

Teradici PCoIP, optimized remote desktop on TI’s OMAP4460

Posted by – February 1, 2012

Teradici is doing software optimization using the PCoIP (PC-over-IP) protocol to run a full x86 desktop remotely over the Internet onto an OMAP4460 device. Here in this demo remotely using an x86 desktop that is over 2000 miles away (and considering that Internet connections at trade shows can be unreliable).

ARM Powered Sony Google TV NSZ-GS7 launched

Posted by – February 1, 2012

Sony is launching this cheaper and better ARM Powered Google TV Set-top-box, it may be using the new Dual-core Marvell Armada 1500 ARM Processor, let me know in the comments if you know which ARM Processor Sony is using.

Sony Bloggie Live, WiFi-upload pocket camcorder

Posted by – February 1, 2012

This is the new Sony Bloggie Live, with WiFi-upload streaming to Qik, on-demand video uploads directly to YouTube and more.

Texas Instruments shows latest Augmented Reality Tablet demos

Posted by – February 1, 2012

Using software from Total Immersion and Metaio, Texas Instruments is showing their latest status of hardware acceleration on the DSP, Still Image Co-processing for Augmented Reality applications, games, navigation and more.

The Libri by BlueLibris, wearable connected health sensor

Posted by – February 1, 2012

The Libri by BlueLibris uses the Freescale Xtrensic MMA9550 solution, the Freescale Xtrinsic MAG3110 Magnetometer and the Xtrinsic MPL3115A2 Pressure Sensor, fusing together all the sensor data for Activity Monitoring, Voice Monitoring, TeleHealth Gateway, Location, Fall Detection and more. They say it’s the worlds smallest, simplest 3G speaker phone.

Diesel Dogs Smart Weights

Posted by – February 1, 2012

Diesel Dogs develops Bluetooth Smart Weights, records the movements of weights into an Android application, to be used for people working out and who want to try to optimize their workout. They were invited by Freescale to exhibit at CES 2012 as being in the top-10 winners of the Freescale Third Annual Bluetooth Innovation World Cup.

Monbaby Baby Health Monitor

Posted by – February 1, 2012

Remnart Technologies presents the Baby Health Monitor, they want to use Freescale sensors and low energy Bluetooth to make it thin and light enough to be put on the wrist of babies to monitor their health signals in realtime. Monbaby was also in the top-10 at the Third Annual Freescale Bluetooth Innovation World Cup.

NDS Snowflake Set-top-box user interface demo

Posted by – January 25, 2012

Using the AmLogic single-core ARM Cortex-A9 with Mali-400 graphics, here is a showcase of the NDS Snowflake Set-top-box user interface on top of Android. NDS recently won the TV Innovation Award for this ARM Powered Set-top-box user interface.

Fortrend capacitive touch panel modules

Posted by – January 25, 2012

Fortrend of Taiwan makes capacitive touch panels, here they are showing the different sizes and types up to 12.1″ dual-touch.

Lenovo SmartTV K91 55″ Android ICS TV

Posted by – January 25, 2012

Using the Qualcomm APQ8060 Dual-core 1.5Ghz processor, Lenovo is releasing the Ice Cream Sandwich 55″ HDTV in China.

UbiDuo by sComm, communication device for deaf and hard of hearing

Posted by – January 25, 2012

This ARM Powered device is for deaf and hard of hearing people to communicate with hearing people to interact with each other face-to-face.

Orchard Inc Toughlet, Pixel Qi tablet for commercial ruggedized outdoor use

Posted by – January 24, 2012

Orchard Inc raised $4 Million for a tablet startup, here showing their titanium aluminium enclosure design, water resistant, unbreakable, with Pixel Qi and OMAP4 Powered Android, designed for outdoor use.