Rockchip RK3399 is Rockchip’s first big.LITTLE processor, 64bit ARMv8, on 28nm with two large ARM Cortex-A72 cores and 4 small ARM Cortex-A53 cores, with ARM Mali-T864 GPU, it features dual USB Type-C with DisplayPort audio-video output support, H265/VP9 10bit 60fps HDMI 2.0 decode, PCI-e, 8 channel microphone array and support for the latest Android, Linux, Chrome OS and Windows 10. The RK3399 SDK is available to Rockchip’s partners with sampling of the chip starting before the end of this month, full mass production in consumer electronics should happen in the 3 months of July to September 2016, depending on Rockchip’s mass production device partners reaching stable results with the chip. Rockchip may position RK3399 as a mass market well priced Hexacore 64bit platform.
Rockchip RK3399 big.LITTLE dual ARM Cortex-A72, quad ARM Cortex-A53, Mali-T864
$279 Zopo Speed 8 Deca-core MediaTek X20, Zopo S Color 5 at 129€ and Zopo S Color 5.5 at 149€
Zopo Speed 8 is going to be the first phone shipping with 10-core MediaTek X20, dual ARM Cortex-A72 + quad-ARM Cortex-A53 high clock speed and quad-ARM Cortex-A53 lower clock speed, runs stock Android 6.0, USB Type-C, 32GB Flash, 4GB RAM, white and black available for $279 on pre-order at shipping by the end of the month or early next month. Zopo S Color 5.5 is 149€ and the Zopo S Color 5 is 129€ on MT6735 quad-core ARM Cortex-A53.
Orbital Composites 3D Printed Satellites and Drones
Orbital Composites aims to completely 3d print drones and satellites, here interviewed at 3D Printing USA. Orbital Composites has created new composite materials and 3D printer processes. The printer has a coaxial extruder. It can coat continuous fibers with a thermoplastic sheath. Carbon or copper fibers may be used to 3D print with. For more information, visit and
Powercast Wireless Power at Energy Harvesting & Storage USA
An interview with Powercast at the Energy Harvesting & Storage USA exhibition. Powercast is a designer and producer of embedded wireless power based on RF energy harvesting. Powercast’s technology enables remote charging of micro-power devices using controllable wireless power, over distance, between one or more sources and multiple receivers. Devices with Powercast components can be designed for battery-free or battery-recharge operation, thereby eliminating disposable batteries. For more information see and
PolyIC touch sensors at Printed Electronics USA
Interview with PolyIC at the Printed Electronics USA event. PolyIC develops and markets products based on the platform technology printed electronics. PolyIC offers products from the field Touch Sensors & Passive Devices. Touch Sensors & Passive Devices Touch Sensors based on the PolyTC® technology offer transparent, conductive and flexible possibilities for touch screens and capacitive keys in any variants. This technology also enables the setup of flexible circuit structures as passive devices for a variety of further applications. For more information see and
Lawter Harima Nanojet nano conductive inks for RFID and touch panel displays
Lawter, a Harima Chemicals, Inc. Company at the Printed Electronics USA event. Lawter serves the graphic arts, adhesives, specialty coatings, aroma chemicals and the synthetic rubber industries. Lawter produces nano conductive inks for applications such as RFID antennas and touch panel displays for tablets and smart phones. For more information see and
AIA Labs, Architects of Intelligent Applications (A.I.A.)
Interview with Architects of Intelligent Applications (A.I.A.) at IDTechEx Wearable USA. AIA designs, develops and manufactures wearable technology. Located in Toronto, Canada AIA’s facilities include a printed electronics laboratory, design studio, cut and sew floor and computerized knitting division. For more information see and
SecureRF, public-key security for IoT, Authentication for wireless sensors, NFC, FPGA
SecureRF at the Internet of Things USA exhibition. SecureRF provides security and privacy solutions for the smallest devices on the Internet of Things including wireless sensors (Bluetooth LE/Smart), ARM Cortex M0/M0+/M3/M4 processors, FPGAs, ASICs, SoCs, NFC, RFID, and MCUs. The company’s ultra-low energy and fast Public‐Key methods provide identification, authentication, data and brand protection and anti-counterfeiting.
Komura Tech 2µm Printed Electrodes and Bio-sensors at Printed Electronics USA
Komura-Tech at the Printed Electronics USA exhibition develops printed electronics, a fusion of the latest printing technologies and electronics technologies. Komura-Tech’s scope encompasses not just electrical equipment and communications but also medical care, the environment and more.
Witt Limited: Energy Harvesting in Ocean for the Grid
Interview with Witt Limited at Energy Harvesting & Storage USA. Witt Limited has created a scalable energy harvesting device called the WITT which captures energy from motion. Whilst there are numerous applications for the technology, Witt Limited are initially creating WITTs to power small vessels and navigational buoys from sea motion. This will be followed by a smaller WITT to generate power from human motion when the right development partners are identified. Future applications could extend to generating grid scale power from the ocean. For more information see and
Alta Devices Flexible Solar Cells using Gallium Arsenide
Alta Devices manufactures thin flexible solar cells using Gallium Arsenide, holding the world record in efficiency (29%) that convert light into electricity, which can be used in unmanned systems, consumer electronics, Internet of Things, Wearables, automotive, remote exploration, or anywhere that size, weight, and mobility matter. Alta Devices holds world records for both cell and module single junction conversion efficiency. For more information see and
FlexEl Flexible Batteries
FlexEl develops battery solutions for companies that have unique power, biocompatibility, form factor or other requirements. FlexEl aim to facilitate the market entry of emerging technology products through battery innovation. For more information see and
Aerotain, airship drone for advertising and events
Aerotain, a Spin-Off of one of Switzerland’s top universities ETH Zurich, shows a flying robot called Skye that is safe enough to fly above crowds and be touched in midflight. Helium provides uplift, even if technical problems occur and thus does not hurt anybody. The individually branded hull together with a live stream allow the audience to experience the brand. This is a new tool that marketing agencies and event organizers can consider as one great attention grabbing display/branding/projector drone. You can find out more about it at and follow them on
Prof. Abhishek Mishra, Uttar Pradesh Minister of Vocational Education and Skill Development
Launching the largest skill development mission in India, the best mission program in India, Proffessor Abhishek Mishra, Minister of Uttar Pradesh Government looks after Vocational Education and Skill Development, talks about the strategies being used in India to attract investments into India to manufacture consumer electronics and high tech products, cars, trying to provide skilled manpower to companies who want to bring in their experts and setup subsidiaries in India. Building all the infrastructure to enable the expansion of IT manufacturing in India.
SkiAR Augmented Reality for Outdoor Winter Sports
Winter sports like skiing and snowboarding are often group activities. Groups of skiers and snowboarders traditionally use folded paper maps or board-mounted larger-scale maps near ski lifts to aid decision making: which slope to take next, where to have lunch, or what hazards to avoid when going off-piste. To enrich those static maps with personal content (e.g., pictures, prior routes taken, or hazards encountered), Anton Fedosov (twitter: @antonfedosov), HCI researcher, Università della Svizzera italiana (twitter: @USI_INF), Lugano, Switzerland developed SkiAR, a wearable augmented reality system that allows groups of skiers and snowboarders to share such content in-situ on a printed resort map while on the slope.
Find out more at:
Nick Hayek, CEO of Swatch, unveils Belenos Battery, 50% higher capacity, flat and flexible
Belenos Clean Power, a subsidiary of Swatch Group, has developed a new type of battery based on vanadium, with electrical energy storage capacity up to 50 to 100% higher capacity than the battery technologies that exist today. Electric cars and drones might start using Belenos batteries starting this year already, production of Belenos batteries will start this Summer by Swatch Group subsidiary Renata in Switzerland, further Belenos batteries may also get produced in Asia depending on the demand. George Clooney and the Swiss astronaut Claude Nicollier are on Belenos’s board of directors, Belenos is 51% owned by Swatch Group and will be put on the Hong Kong stock market with a possible valuation between 5 and 20 Billion dollars. The goal is to power Swatch Smartwatches and other wearables with the Belenos battery, creating a Smartwatch and wearable technologies that never needs to be recharged.
As a half-Swiss, I hope Swatch will release smart watches to put Apple Watch to shame, made in a really smart way, with Swatch’s own ultra low power displays or with E Ink behind the dials of a Swatch Sistem51 based automatic watch, and with low power Bluetooth and Novasentis flexible actuator vibrations in the wrist band. Part of the watch may function as energy harvester, perhaps solar on the watch casing/sides, to recharge the Bluetooth low energy and E Ink or other low power display.
Windows 10 IoT Core runs on Raspberry Pi and Inventec Avatar advanced Bluetooth Beacon
Microsoft Windows 10 IoT Core is Windows 10 for the IoT market. Windows 10 IoT Core is free, Windows 10 IoT Core Pro is licenced and sold to OEMs like Inventec here showing their Qualcomm APQ8009 powered Inventec Avatar also connecting to Microsoft Azure, bringing advanced Bluetooth beacon platform with Wi-Fi cloud access to upload the log on Azure. Windows 10 IoT Core is also shown running on Raspberry Pi. From a Universal Windows app a developer can talk directly to the sensors and modules on the Raspberry Pi. Windows 10 IoT core is Windows 10 that can run on lower spec ARM devices, taking up about 200megabytes of space, can run on just 256MB RAM.
Microsoft Windows 10 Continuum on ARM
Microsoft is proud to present their Windows 10 Continuum running super smoothly on Qualcomm Snapdragon 808 and Qualcomm Snapdragon 810 based Microsoft Lumia 950 and Microsoft Lumia 950XL, the Microsoft branded devices resulting from the acquisition of Nokia, following a huge work by Microsoft together with their partners such as Qualcomm, to bring a full Windows 10 experience to ARM, powering the future of the Desktop and the Laptop through an ARM Powered smartphone, outputting a full Windows experience to an external display using DisplayPort over USB Type-C through a desktop dock or a laptop dock.
Backwards compatibility of x86 Windows apps can be supported through a cloud solution, such as the one HP is providing with their HP Elite x3 Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 based Windows Continuum phone coming out a few months from now.
I believe the best solution for Microsoft will be to support Windows 10 on Android, so when you dock an Android phone through a desktop dock or a laptop dock, then Microsoft needs to make sure that a full Windows 10 Continuum on ARM experience can be outputted from the Android phone on that secondary display. Microsoft needs to make Windows 10 an “external-only” home replacement which needs to work on any Android device.
DisplayPort 1.4 Brings 8K Support and Lossless Video Compression over USB Type-C
Video Electronics Standards Association (VESA) Executive Director Bill Lempesis (who I previously interviewed at introduces DisplayPort 1.4 A/V standard, which VESA developed, with input and cooperation from more than 230 global members. DP 1.4 includes a number of next-generation features, including capabilities for High Dynamic Range (HDR) and 8K video across the USB-C connector. It also features, for the first time, VESA’s Display Stream Compression Standard (DSC) standard, which enables up to 3:1 video compression with visually lossless performance. Stephane Boisclair, senior hardware designer for Hardent, provides an in-depth description of the latest DSC specification update, v1.2. A VESA member company, Montreal-based Hardent develops IP cores to support DSC encoding and decoding. DSC 1.2, which supports up to 16 bits per color and HDR, has great implications for high-end TVs and PCs, as well as automotive applications, where the growing number of camera sensors requires less cabling and greater range.
Linaro Connect keynotes: George Grey, Linaro CEO and Eric Hennenhoefer, ARM VP Research
George Grey, Linaro CEO, gives the opening keynote of Linaro Connect Bangkok. He discusses Linaro’s activities across the ARM ecosystem from sensor devices to the data-center. New initiatives including end-to-end open source software platform solutions, ARM Based Developer Cloud, $299 Lemaker Cello using AMD 64bit Server SoC following the 96Boards Enterprise Edition specs are announced and demonstrated.
Eric Hennenhoefer, ARM VP Research talks about ARM Reasearch in the High Performance Computing area and more.