Topwise Broadcom BCM23550 Phones/Tablets, Spreadtrum SC7715 cheapest 3G phone in the world

Topwise uses IPS + OGS Touch Panels for high-end, 5″ qHD/720p/FHD using the Broadcom BCM23550 Quad-core ARM Cortex-A7 with Broadcom’s VideoCore425 GPU. Broadcom comes with dual-WiFi 5Ghz and using Broadcom’s modem. Topwise also shows the 3G single-core Spreadtrum SC7715 single-core ARM Cortex-A7, perhaps the cheapest 3G phone in the world. Topwise ships 800K phones per month with more than 1300 people in their factory. They also have the EDGE Spreadtrum SC6925C single core ARM Cortex-A5. Topwise also uses Broadcom BCM23550 in their 3G dual-sim Tablet with 1024×600 IPS 1GB/8GB. Broadcom thus here shows with Topwise how they are trying to aggressively compete with MediaTek for the entry-level Smartphone market, providing strong multi-core performance with some advanced SoC features integrated.

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