Cerevo VR Shoes, Robot Projector, Robot Lamp, IoT

Posted by – November 7, 2017

Cerevo is a company that was founded in 2008 that specializes in niche IOT products. Cerevo adds shoes to the virtual reality experience. The Shoes enable easier movement with VR applications.  The shoes also enable a more tactile experience and can send sensations to your feet. The VR shoes should range from $800-$1200. The Cerevo Tipron projector is a Robot with a built in projector that moves around on wheals. The Projector robot costs $2299 and offers a display size of up to 80″ with 1280×720 resolution. The lumigent is a robotic voice activated desk lamp. Lumigent technology is integrated into other devices such as cameras, bicycles and other IOT applications.