Marc Canter talks about his project called Interface where Apps will feature authored “smarts” (that can run in the background ) and “foreground” interactive sequences and mobile interfaces, which would have media playback and record, points, leaderboards, cloud based Content publishing all built into the experience. The tool is designed to work with IFTTT, SmartThings, Nest, HomeKit, Fitbit, Galaxy Gear and any other coolio wearable liveable Wink kind of platform thingie that’s gonna be important to work with moving forward. They want to be friends to all and deliver something nobody else is doing – authoring tools that non-programmers can utilize to do sophisticated kinds of media rich, highly interactive mobile based contextually aware on-line experiences. They think of it as the Instagram of Authoring. The Interface authoring tool environment would be utilized by Interface authors to create customized, one-off Apps for their clients. Each client could have their own instructional materials, interactive tools or interfaces, on-line media and on-demand relevant information – crafted exactly to their needs.
You can contact Marc Canter here: