As I am considering the new 2011 camcorder Series from Panasonic/Canon/Sony/Nikon for upgrading to higher quality 1080p video-blogging, I thought I would test the qualities of the newest $1500 Canon Vixia HF G10 series camcorder by recording samples onto my own SD card and post them here on YouTube and include the full download of the original sample video file for your analysis.
The picture quality on Canon Vixia HF G10 should basically be the same as on the $500 more expensive Canon XA10, that nearly only ads XLR audio inputs, so if I find out I might want to upgrade my audio recordings to XLR, I might go with that.
The Canon Vixia HF G10 sensor is 1/3 of an inch in size and has a pixel count of 2.07 megapixels, which corresponds exactly to a 1920 × 1080 resolution. Canon’s theory is that by having a sensor that matches to Full HD resolution, the video image will benefit overall. (read more infos on Canon uses their new DIGIC DV3 Processor which hopefully thus provides good compression quality even when filming at 12mbitps or lower bitrates for easier uploads.
No in-camera cut and join editing? No 720p modes? No 60p mode? No overlay graphics integration (such as transparent png file with my logo at bottom right corner of videos)? No built-in Bluetooth mics and sound mixer (Canon says they got an external Bluetooth microphone option, though may not support more than one Bluetooth microphone at the time)? No built-in fast WiFi and Ethernet YouTube uploads? I would like a good in-camera compressor to make high quality at low manageable bitrates to upload HD on YouTube without requiring PC re-encoding, without it taking too long especially at conferences where there is slow upload speed. Those are features I would like in my next camera, but I still may do without if quality can be much improved over the Sanyo HD1000 that I have been using for all my video-blogging since March 2008. Do you think I should upgrade my video-blogging to this camera or do you have another suggestion for what new camera I should consider?
24mbitps@1080p@24p Sample:
Download sample on Google Docs (96MB for 34 seconds)
12mbitps@1080p@24p Sample:
Download sample on Google Docs (52MB for 35 seconds, this is probably the quality I would record my video-blogging in for it not to take too long to upload to YouTube)
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