- Image via CrunchBase
Watch my video of Windows Phone 7 filmed last february featuring a demonstration of the OS by Windows Phone 7 product manager Erik Helgerson. Smart phones are the new PC, the fastest growing consumer electronics segment, within a year or two, more smart phones will be sold worldwide each year than PCs and Laptops. This is why Microsoft is trying very hard to bring this new smart phone OS, based on Windows CE 7, they seem to be even suing Android manufacturers like Motorola for not using it.
Related articles
- Developers Shun Windows Phone 7 (lockergnome.com)
- Video: Hands-on guide to using Windows Phone 7 (en.onsoftware.com)
- Morgan Stanley:Windows Phone 7 Is A Pivotal Release For Microsoft’s Strategic Positioning (wmpoweruser.com)
- Windows Phone Marketplace will have 2000 apps at launch of Windows Phone 7 (geek.com)