Sree Kotay, Comcast Chief Software Architect about starting the Linaro Home Group for optimizing Linux for the ARM Powered Set-top-box

Radically revamping the device development model for Carrier class operators with ARM and Linaro. Comcast? Software? Isn’t that an oxymorom? See how the open source community and modern development models are re-shaping the feature velocity and security models for embedded devices like set-top-boxes, cable modems and gateways. Competing in the modern landscape means building products and experiences that compete with a new breed of innovators. Comcast’s SVP, Engineering and Operations and Chief Software Architect will provide insight into how its reinvented its technology stack and product line.

my interview with him:

The new Linaro Home Group is about optimizing ARM Linux for Multimedia Set-top-boxes. Here’s my interview with Sree Kotay, Comcast Chief Software Architect about how Comcast is interested in working with Linaro to optimize Linux on the ARM Powered Set-top-box.

and his keynote video is here: